Grammar and punctuation, does it matter that much?

cheatercheater's Avatar
Is proper grammar and punctuation in a providers posts or ads such a huge issue? I constantly see guys jump at the chance to correct a provider. Is that all you see in a post? Most times there is no comment concerning the actual post other than to point out mistakes. Are we all current or former English professors?

I agree that some posts are hard to read if it is one long run on sentence with no punctuation or separation by paragraph. If I become confused while reading and can't understand the content, I simply close the thread and move on. Is there really a need to scold the poster in that thread?

I, for one, like to stick my dick in those pretty little mouths and could care less if they confuse the words "are" and "or" in a post.

Help me understand why there is a need to bitch about grammar and punctuation. Thank you for your kind responses. I will now return to my day job of proofreading the Washington Post.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I won't complain about it, but, aside from it being easier to read and extract information from a post that generally conforms to my expectations for standard written English, I also think it's more likely that I'll enjoy the company of someone who can put a sentence or two together with the subject and verb in the correct places and in agreement.

When push comes to shove, though, her appearance, skills and geographic proximity count for more.
  • hd
  • 04-21-2011, 07:59 AM
It bothers me to a point, since I believe my grammer is purdy good. But more than anything else, I think it shows the level of intelligence the poster has, and for the most part, unless what I read is extremely poor grammer and spelling, I don't use that to judge if I will see a provider or to judge one of the guy's post as to whether he has any merit to what he says.

I guess what I base my thoughts on are some of these tongue in cheek posts that supposedly come from a pimp. While I get a laugh from reading them, if they are for real, I pity the fool, cuz he ain't nevar gonna amount two sheet!
trynagetlaid's Avatar
A person who does not have some command of the English language will probably not be able to carry on an intelligent conversation. In a one hour appointment there needs to be some verbal communication. If a provider can't spell or punctuate or use proper grammar (it doesn't have to be perfect), I won't consider seeing her.

Gone are the days when I could fuck and suck for a full hour; there has to be some downtime for resting and reloading, That's when I like to have a little intelligent pillow chat.
  • hd
  • 04-21-2011, 08:20 AM
Gone are the days when I could fuck and suck for a full hour; there has to be some downtime for resting and reloading, That's when I like to have a little intelligent pillow chat.
+1 I also get as much if not more from good convo beside the sex. God, is this a sign I'm really old or what?
Yes HD it is a sign you are really old. For me, good grammar is an indicator of the provider's professionalism and ability to behave in a rational and dependable manner (less likelihood of ncns or psycho bitch).
Yes. Just because I'm also attracted to intelligence.
Only if you want to be understood and not sound like an uneducated idiot.
I will try to remember this very post, when there is a guy carrying a perfectly good conversation with me, while staring at my boobs the entire time.

Yes. Just because I'm also attracted to intelligence. Originally Posted by ThinWhiteDuke
It bothers the heck out of me... but that could be due to proper spelling and grammar was beaten in my head. The occasional typo is one thing, even just an innocent misspelling. But my word, it takes away from what point you're trying to make when people have to try to translate what in tarnation you're trying to type.
(for you boys that like intelligence.... I hold an MBA under all this hair..)
It doesn't bother me. There was just a recent thread bashing a hobbiest, because he didn't have perfect grammer. I think if its readable, it doesn't matter. Alot of guys, in the mix of bashing, try to tell guys to use the spell check, which is good. But it just makes me wonder, all the bashing, but without spell check.....what would alot of your posts look like??? LOL, all this talk about being smart and holding an intelligent conversation has nothing to do with grammer......sorry, it just doesn't. Some of the smartest people don't even know how to write, period. So you mean to tell me, that because someone hasn't down loaded spell check....(because u do have to down load it) that makes them less smarter than the guy that did??? WOWZERS, ok. This subject cracks me up ....hahaha Grammer shouldn't be an issue. And for those that have a problem w it......good luck w that.
Guest032213-02's Avatar
It all depends on what kind of GF you want in your GFE. Do you want one to be an equal that you can carry on a conversation? Or, do you want a woman to provide GFE skills, but just be your fuck toy?
Matter of fact, I won't use any names.......but there is a certain provider here, very smart lady.....but everytime I read anything she posts.....I just laugh because of her grammer. She can't type 1 correct sentence. But I know for a fact, she is intelligent......and her incorrect grammer does not stop you guys from going to see her or review her......when she is not "Simi Retired" I'm just saying
pmdelites's Avatar
all i know is that i've never had a woman decline a consultation with me cos i dont use the shift key. SO THERE!
  • hd
  • 04-21-2011, 09:16 AM
I will try to remember this very post, when there is a guy carrying a perfectly good conversation with me, while staring at my boobs the entire time
Lisa.Lisa level of intelligence doesn't affect the need know

I say my smartest stuff while my eyes are rolled back and my toes are curled!!