hadn't said this to anyone until today...

Doc asked me what my fantasy of my marriage (24 years) would be, but isn't now...I told him "My wife needs me. For something other than my utility. And she will fight for me." Sounds strange coming from a man in his late 40s. But I want her to fight. She would grab me by my shirt-collar, pull me close, and say "dammit, let's make this work!"

fun2come's Avatar
well if you ask me today, I'd say a 5-some

lookingstill + StillLookingina + SO + me + Still Looking (but no sex with SL, just talking the pics and paying $$$$$$ for his misconceived Hobby offsprings to get fucked...
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Doc asked me what my fantasy of my marriage (24 years) would be, but isn't now...I told him "My wife needs me. For something other than my utility. And she will fight for me." Sounds strange coming from a man in his late 40s. But I want her to fight. She would grab me by my shirt-collar, pull me close, and say "dammit, let's make this work!"

CJM Originally Posted by lonestar365
I say you should tell her...hearing it might spark a change
Have done so. For a few years now. Big part of the reason I'm here.
Wakeup's Avatar
Here's another one...
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Get a good lawyer. A really good one. Now.
pyramider's Avatar
Getting a lawyer requires manning up to the situation...