a last thought.....can we?

Most of the greats had a couple of good centuries and the became less important and/or ceased.



Why did this great civilization fall? The history of humankind has been marked by patterns of growth and decline. Some declines have been gradual, occurring over centuries. Others have been rapid, occurring over the course of a few years. War, drought, natural disaster, disease, overpopulation, economic disruption: any of these or a combination of these events can bring about the collapse of a civilization. Internal causes (such as political struggles or overfarming) can combine with external causes (such as war or natural disaster) to bring about a collapse. What does this mean for modern civilizations? What can we learn from the past?

We have looked at a number of knotty issues in this country recently in the sandbox. So my question. Can this country do more than just survive? Just exist? Can it deal with a myriad of issues and become strong again? Lumber along as it is? Or continue to decline, loosing power and prestige?

This is not a thread to blame the "other party" for the failures!


Can we make it back or is doom and gloom a selfevident conclusion?
Moderators - the "time ran out" I could not create the polllllllllll......
dirty dog's Avatar
SS this country is in decline, most great civilizations crumbled from with in. A lot of it is the sense of entitlement that occurs as each generation has it easier and easier, they lose sight of the hard work that was/is involved in developing the "rights" that they now take for granted. They don't know how to take responsibility for their actions and they lose their survival senses. Our country was founded and built by men and women who knew that the only way they can survive was to do things for themselves, they learned how to build, hunt, repair things basically they knew had to adapt and over come (semper fi). Todays youth put a half hearted effort into their school work, throw their hands up and quit. Their parents then come along and blame the teacher "the teacher does not like him".
Omahan's Avatar
The Original Poster requested that this thread be deleted. Since it already had a reply I closed it but will not remove it.