I want a Mau5head.

~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 02-26-2012, 01:15 PM
Something I really want is a Mau5head. (not a MAU FIVE HEAD).....

Well, I really want one! (the Mau5head ain't that bad either*giggle*)

Since I am um.... living out of a suitcase... I don't have a decent garage / workshop and can't make one myself. * cries*

Anyone willing to make one for me, I would be willing to pay for supplies and maybe even possibly kinda think about wanting to trade a session or pay for one with a lady of your choice.

How to build your own Mau5head.

I want it built... but still want it to be a blank slate for my color and style.

Is there anyone out there with the tools and the handiness willing to work it out for me?
TrailBlazer's Avatar
Awww Ze....I wish i had that kind of talent. Wonder how many other providers are a Deadmau5 fan like me, also? I want a red, white and blue with Texas flag ears. Best of luck pretty lady!
Fellow Mau5head. Made one for for '10 Halloween I was able to sell it to a drunk tourist for $400 (cost 150 for me to make w/ led lights and shit) before I reached the end of Burbon Street.
Daen1304's Avatar
I have absolutely no bloody idea what the hell that is or what it is about. But, I'm pretty sure I can make it. I read that link you have there, and it doesn't look too hard... but alas, at this time I can not help. For the project looks time consuming and I have no time to speak of. I need to repair a laptop for a friend that I have had on my dresser for 6 months, so I am incredibly unreliable at this time. On the other hand if free time clears up and I'll remember I'll drop a line and make an attempt at it. I know, empty promises. But think of the advantages of having the great ~Ze~ owing you one.

Though to be honest. I thought the 5 was an S and that you were looking for some sort of dog or something.

But if one of you mooks on this board have some crafting skills, you making a special gift for a lady could win you some points *nudge nudge* *wink wink* No what I mean.