Why study?

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Thanks Marcus I needed a good laugh.
mbinlincoln's Avatar
Laugh?!?! This has more truth than anything I've seen!
jjchmiel78's Avatar
Are you telling me she is not with him because he kind, sweet, and funny?
So why is lady Y studying now.....????

Here's a pic of our last date:

Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
So why is lady Y studying now.....????

Here's a pic of our last date:

Originally Posted by hgritstoo
This is how I remember it
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
And this. Need I say more!

You are the man!
Sorry I deleted pics. Just read rules. Didn't want to get in trouble
I saw before deletion......and you're really sweet!

I will admit your memory is more accurate!

BTW.....and perhaps the mods can correct.....but I believe it is ok to post links to images that might otherwise break some rules.

And while your memory of certain facts may be a bit bigger than they really are.....thats ok. Most of the guys who've seen you (myself included) remember you like this:

As for studying.....

Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Hahahaha Grits.

For those that didn't see pics one was two girls giivng Grits a blow job while he stood there with his rock hard sexy body and the other was him hitting one girl doggy while sucking on the others tits.

Thats how my memory remembers it!
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Grits? Who's Grits?
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Grits? Who's Grits? Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Laugh?!?! This has more truth than anything I've seen! Originally Posted by mbinlincoln
I actually smh laughing but yeah.....probably kinda true lol.