On Mother’s Day with the death toll at 80,000, what did our intrepid President do to tackle the problem ?

Solemate62's Avatar
Why, of course he sat on his fat ass and tweeted and retweeted over 100 times attacking critics and perceived enemies (in his pea size brain, that is). Too bad Trump and Tweets were not around in December 1941- if he held office instead of FDR, we would all now be fluent in German and Japanese! MAGA, Trumptards, MAGA!!
LexusLover's Avatar
What did you do?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
What did you do? Originally Posted by LexusLover

he's having a CCP approved diahrea session with his toilet.

CCP approved thread
matchingmole's Avatar
Many people bought their mothers some cheap ass crap from China...because that's all they could afford. Open all the stores!!...China's economy is hurting.
  • oeb11
  • 05-11-2020, 08:10 AM
S- suggestion - be cautious - "Trumptards" in bold - Well - we have a MOD on Forum.

Boycott China!!!
Tsk tsk - such hate. You're calling me a Trumptard. That's not nice. But I'll take the MAGA. Thank you!

Why, of course he sat on his fat ass and tweeted and retweeted over 100 times attacking critics and perceived enemies (in his pea size brain, that is). Too bad Trump and Tweets were not around in December 1941- if he held office instead of FDR, we would all now be fluent in German and Japanese! MAGA, Trumptards, MAGA!! Originally Posted by Solemate62