being a BLM rioter is worth 10 million dollars in Seattle

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
disgusting a city i used to live in and once considered a prime retirement location would do this

that's 200k per blm punk .. disgusting!

Seattle will pay $10 million to protesters who said police used excessive force during 2020 protests

Updated 5:38 PM CST, January 25, 2024

SEATTLE (AP) — Seattle has agreed to pay $10 million to 50 demonstrators who sued over the police department’s heavy-handed response to racial justice protests in 2020, in a settlement announced by attorneys from both sides Wednesday.

The protesters were among tens of thousands who rallied downtown and in the Capitol Hill neighborhood for weeks following the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police — a period that saw Seattle’s police department abandon its East Precinct building as well as the establishment of the “Capitol Hill Occupied Protest,” a six-block zone taken over by protesters.

The police department — led by then-Chief Carmen Best — used aggressive techniques to disperse the crowds, including flash-bang grenades, foam-tipped projectiles and blast balls that explode and emit pepper gas.

At some points during protests, people in the crowds did cause damage, including burning police cars and trying to set a fire at the East Precint. But a federal judge ordered the department to stop using chemical and other weapons indiscriminately against against peaceful demonstrators.
winn dixie's Avatar
Ripmany's Avatar
That only 200k each I need a gig like that.
Ripmany's Avatar
There were beaten police it need come out and of the cops check need to come from cop saving and faimly not City money not hard earn tax payer dollars.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Disturbing Originally Posted by winn dixie

indeed. the area itself is nothing short of spectacular. to stand on top of the space needle during a fog storm is incredible!

i have seen this view .. in person

amazing view.

there is an old saying in Seattle .. "if you don't want to see Mt. Rainer .. turn around.


you can see Mt. Rainer anywhere in Seattle .. just look toward it.

yet another great American city destroyed by liberalism!!!
txdot-guy's Avatar

yet another great American city destroyed by liberalism!!!
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The BLM protests occurred as a result of centuries of racism and decades of
racial profiling by the police. It had nothing to do with ”liberalism”.

I do believe however that too many cities would rather pay off lawsuits rather than take any kind of risk. Maybe they should trust the citizens to recognize bullshit when they see it and fight some of these lawsuits rather than negotiating a settlement by default.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The BLM protests occurred as a result of centuries of racism and decades of
racial profiling by the police. It had nothing to do with ”liberalism”.

I do believe however that too many cities would rather pay off lawsuits rather than take any kind of risk. Maybe they should trust the citizens to recognize bullshit when they see it and fight some of these lawsuits rather than negotiating a settlement by default. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

it had everything to do with socialist communism disguised as liberalism. is this what you support?

if you want to talk about centuries of racism does that include Britain's founding of their former colony as a vassal slave state? and that black tribal wars in Africa fueled 70% of all slaves?

if you want to speak the truth then know the truth

do i need to remind you that the Democrats who you support caused the Civil War, 150 years of segregation and Jim Crow and that social club .. the KKK?

and they are still doing it today

why exactly do you support this?

thank you valued poster
Ripmany's Avatar
What disgusting is the cops I want to beat people like that the cops need jail time need guns and wealth taken away. There kids need pay.
ICU 812's Avatar
The thing that disturbed me the most about the civil unrest during the pandemic hysteria was less the rioters themselves and more the lack of consequences from their actions.

At the time, civil authorities seemed to condone and encourage the wanton destruction. This current business of paying them off just makes it worse.
The BLM protests occurred as a result of centuries of racism and decades of
racial profiling by the police. It had nothing to do with ”liberalism”.

I do believe however that too many cities would rather pay off lawsuits rather than take any kind of risk. Maybe they should trust the citizens to recognize bullshit when they see it and fight some of these lawsuits rather than negotiating a settlement by default. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Whitey be da man dats bringing me down
But tonight me and my Bros gonna burn dis town
We be going on a all night Looting Spree,
Gonna get me a big screen color TV.

That’s what the BLM Riots were about.
eyecu2's Avatar
it had everything to do with socialist communism disguised as liberalism. is this what you support?

if you want to talk about centuries of racism does that include Britain's founding of their former colony as a vassal slave state? and that black tribal wars in Africa fueled 70% of all slaves?

if you want to speak the truth then know the truth

do i need to remind you that the Democrats who you support caused the Civil War, 150 years of segregation and Jim Crow and that social club .. the KKK?

and they are still doing it today

why exactly do you support this?

thank you valued poster Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Nice hijack on your own thread
eccieuser9500's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
Only in amerika can people riot and loot for tvs AND get millions of dollars. Snick
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Only in amerika can people riot and loot for tvs AND get millions of dollars. Snick Originally Posted by winn dixie

rioters gotta eat too bro. AOC said so

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said some US communities 'have no choice but to riot' if marginalized

if AOC says so


long live burning Seattle!

ICU 812's Avatar
"A police state is preferred by MAGA morons."

We actually had an Orwellian, 1984 style Polce State during the pandemic hysteria.