How To Create My Provider Showcase

I don't see where the instructions are for this, can anyone help? Thank you! Kisses, Nadia
Sweety you have to become a verified provider to create your showcase. Here is a link to get you started:

And I'm sure our friendly mod, MM, will be along shortly to give you pointers and answer any of your questions.

Lea Madisson's Avatar
Good advice, Beez!!

Nadia, you can also PM me if you have any more questions!


MuffinMan's Avatar
Thanks for the assist Beez! I sent her the link 2 days ago and told her to work on getting her Showcase "together" while getting the list of requisites...Not to try and post it. lol I'll get her VP when she sends me the needed items.
Ready when you are, Nadia!

Thank you, all xxxooo