prefered girls with or without tattos?

i have three ...want to get more..every one of them mean something to me..but does it turn you on?off?dont mind them?
Precious_b's Avatar
Oh, they are a plus with me if they are done well.
pickupkid's Avatar
they are okay as long as they not overwelming
Mossman's Avatar
It's not that I'm bothered, I just don't understand the attraction. Even if you love them today, how are you going to feel 50 years from now when the whole "canvas" has changed?
I agree with Mossman……as long as they don't cover huge parts of the body. A lot of my friends my age wish they didn't have them now.
I'm with Mossman & Woody: I don't understand the attraction. However, if they're (relatively) small and tasteful, they're not a turn-OFF.

The only tat I've EVER seen that I found to be a turn-ON: Allison Belle's lower back tattoo.

Then there was a dancer I met ~3 Fridays ago at Some Beach, a tall, blue-eyed blonde who had a lovely set of natural C's and who didn't have a spot of ink: My reaction was the same as if I'd just discovered a 100K emerald -- "Well, THIS is something you don't see every day!" I was so smitten, I had to make an unplanned trip to the ATM -- and still left the club with a nearly empty wallet.
redrum's Avatar
It really depends on the fantasy. Sometimes a tattooed girl is what I'm looking for but honestly its more pse for me then.
All I can advise is the more tats you have the narrower you audience will be.
You can always get a temp or a henna tattoo for a fantasy session
Crispy1969's Avatar
As long as their not Jail House Tats I like them. I'm going to get some Tats this summer when I take vacation & we can compare ours Noel see ya Soon!
FootLong's Avatar
A lot of guys in the hobby are from generations before tattoos became popular. Whereas many of the girls in the hobby are younger, from generations where the tattoo was in vogue. For me they are not a "turn on", but they are not really a "turn off" unless they are "scary" looking (like a criminal) or otherwise plain ugly.

I have heard that getting tattoos can be addictive...

I would advise you locate tattoos where they can be covered by normal clothing. At some point you may want to apply for a job in the "real" world, and employers tend to make assumptions when they see the tatts...of course not a problem if you are applying to work in a motorbike shop or bartending...
CyberProf's Avatar
As long as it doesn't say "I Love Mom" . . .
I'm not big on having tattoos and have a clean slate. Nothing too spectacular in my mind to permanently ink it on my body. My naval and ears are pierced, but that's about it


A lot of guys in the hobby are from generations before tattoos became popular. Whereas many of the girls in the hobby are younger, from generations where the tattoo was in vogue. Originally Posted by FootLong
Great insight, FootLong.
sanantonioman37's Avatar
I'm not big on tattoos, and it seems that most of the tats that I see look all the same either the tribal tats or the Chinese characters. I guess tats seem so common now that they really don't seem all that unique or special. As far as providers go, as long as it looks tasteful and not over done.
no tats for me. never could understand why a young super hot lady would cover her body with tattos. lot of them are model quality but will never model. just my take
Marcus78's Avatar
I have never liked tattoos, and definitely prefer ladies without any, but if they are not too distracting, I don't mind it too much. A lot of the tattoos I see nowadays make me think WTF was this person thinking when they decided to get it? In these instances when they are over-sized and so bright and/or gaudy that it becomes an instant "No" in my book..... if I'm paying for it that is.