The UN is promoting White Genocide.

What does it take for murder and mayhem against a group of people to be “genocide”?

Most people think of the Nazis when they think of genocide, but few realize it’s playing out right now, in South Africa, but the world ignores it.

It’s been ongoing for years, especially after Jacob Zuma became president. While not an “official” policy of his ANC/Communist Party, the death toll of whites, especially white farmers, increases with little if any media attention. More than 4,000 have been attacked, tortured and killed for no reason other than that they’re white and own land. Zuma even sang a song in public about killing whites.

And now, he wants to do to his country what Robert Mugabe has done in Zimbabwe: confiscate the land of white farmers without any compensation. It’s a recipe for the destruction of the country.

As reported in the Telegraph (but not your local newspapers), Zuma wants Parliament to allow the land taking. He knew his statement would be a problem and called in the military to maintain order in Cape Town ahead of expected protests.

Politically, he’s pressured by his party having lost much power in the last elections and mainly by the radical Economic Freedom Fighters.

Its leader, Julius Malema, urges blacks to “take back land from white invaders and ‘Dutch thugs.'”

Ominously, the “Boer Afrikaner Volksraad” said, if the land is taken without compensation, it would be “a declaration of war.” The organization claims to have 40,000 members.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
They only care if it is non-whites.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Horrible. Right wing nationalists are spouting the same kinda shit all over the world.

How, in a free society, do you shut them the fuck up?

Before y'all knows it, we'll be slap outta white folk!

Hunker dowin.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Holy CHIT!

Well that makes perfect sense, SLOBBRIN!
  • DSK
  • 03-14-2017, 12:25 AM
Horrible. Right wing nationalists are spouting the same kinda shit all over the world.

How, in a free society, do you shut them the fuck up?

Before y'all knows it, we'll be slap outta white folk!

Hunker dowin. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Assup Assup you can't hide,

I charge you with genocide.
Buddys Place's Avatar
Kalergi plan. Van Houten plan. It's's getting impossible to deny.

Assup sure does hate himself for being white. Assup, ummmm.... i mean, Houseboy! my cats need their litter boxes changed, boy! Turn off the cnn and get to work.

Maybe if you work rather than collect government money, you could afford a sex change. Or a race change. Or a species change. The fashionable transwhatever du jour.