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  • 03-13-2017, 05:54 PM
You're taking this shit way to serious Iffy. Maybe you need to go get buttfucked!

Be a long line wanting to do that...let LexusLover first and lustylady next
Naw, you can do all the corn holing... I'll do the LAUGHING while the blood is running down your 0zombie leg...

You're taking this shit way to serious Iffy. Maybe you need to go get buttfucked!

Be a long line wanting to do that...let LexusLover first and lustylady next Originally Posted by WTF

Re-Purposing for Political Benefit – Democrat Political Interests Stirring Racial Unrest Again…
Posted on March 13, 2017 by sundance
Taken in the abstract, the ridiculous claim of the fake documentary filmmaker Jason Pollock (unhinged version seen here) seems like the typical leftist approach at manufacturing controversy in an effort for financial gain. St Louis prosecutor Robert McCulloch responds here. Outline article here.

Wrongful death lawsuits are often aided by public pressure, and the opinion of the public creating that pressure is frequently manipulated by the media; ergo there’s a natural connection between the professionally aggrieved and the media who sell the cause of the grievance.

However, beyond the abstract there’s a network of affiliated political interests who also stimulate the individual events in order to promote their own highly politicized endeavors.

That’s where people like George Soros and the various Democrat Organizations step in to fund the processes of the aggrieved. The individual events become the tinder for the larger fires of national political manipulation.

So it may not be entirely disconnected that at the EXACT same time Jason Pollock is selling his fake and misleading documentary, another familiar face shows up in Dallas Texas to sell another race-based lawsuit:

TEXAS – Benjamin Crump flew into Dallas Friday morning and made the 45 minute drive north to McKinney’s police headquarters. The Florida based attorney says he came to Texas to get answers.

“What we really need is information,” Crump said.

Crump, who has represented the families of Trayvon Martin and Tamir Rice in the past, stood by three teens who were at the center of a viral video at a McKinney pool party back in 2015. Four more teenagers now plan to join a lawsuit filed in January by the 15-year-old girl at the center of the video and Crump intends to help.

“McKinney has become the ground zero for the fight against police brutality against young people of color,” Crump said. (read more)

Yes, you might remember another grievance case we deconstructed in June/July 2015 surrounding the McKinney pool party (links here) fiasco.

With the economy improving, and with President Trump actually delivering on his promises; and with racial identity politics losing their ability to keep the various social justice flames at full furnace level; it would appear the larger Democrat Party machine, which includes hundreds of various social justice activist groups, is back in action trying to keep their constituency in line.

We shared the opinion/prediction back in 2015 that a successful Donald Trump would fracture the dynamic of identity politics because his entire approach to politics is to walk directly through a decade of cultural Marxism (political correctness).

There’s a more than reasonable probability the DNC having successfully installed Tom Perez as chairman will now move to a phase of re-purposed grievance.

This is historically what Democrats do when they’ve become tenuous on their national platform; they fall back upon the playbook of identity politics, community activism, virtue signaling and racial grievance – it’s one of the foundational building blocks of their party apparatus.

Stay tuned.
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  • WTF
  • 03-13-2017, 07:21 PM
Paranoid much, Iffy!

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He's comin' to gitcha, SLOBBRIN!

He's comin' to gitcha, SLOBBRIN!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Do you tell your gentlemen callers to stick a big purple dildo in your Yourassup?
He's comin' to gitcha, SLOBBRIN! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Please pass this on to frighter, Thanks 0zombies... you're the beast...