Stop the Hate.....

In this world we live in today, it seems that that people just cannot find it in their hearts to stop the hate towards one another...

Why can't people just go on about their daily lives and live it in peace and harmony??

Alicia Keys sings a very powerful song called "Holy War", and it seems fitting to the times in which we live...

This board is fueled by hatred and backbiting towards one another when all of that is so trivial compared to the scale and magnitude of the uncertain economy and the desperation of the job market...

I say let's bring back our nation, and this board by initiating a NO H8 policy...

Life is too short, to be consumed by drama and un-necessary BS ...

Well said and agreed
Celebrating love in all it's manifestations is so important. Thank you Melissa for this heart warming note.

DallasRain's Avatar
annie@christophers's Avatar
Oh for the love of God. Ok. Xxoo annie. (Now find p and tell her stop pouting)
~P isn't lost. Lol. She is doing quite well. Let's encourage each other instead of being sandpaper babywipes.
"Maybe we should love somebody, Oh maybe we could care a little more , Maybe we should love somebody instead of polishing the bombs of Holy War"....
"Peace and love ain't so far if we nurse our wounds before they scar".

Excerpt form Alicia Keys newest album titled "HERE", song is called Holy War....

You are always a beacon of grace and joy, Mel. Keep shining chick.
pyramider's Avatar
Posting taint photos is an excellent way to unify.
Before you hate, ask yourself why do you hate?? Look inside yourself and find the common denominator that triggers your hate. Pyramider why does your obsession of taint have to stretch into every post.. ?? lol

Most people hate/fear the unknown. Maybe one should get to know someone before judging them. All of us have our battles we struggle with...

Like I said abolish the hate, make love not war....

Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
Thats why i like you melissa no reason to hate
monkeyseeyou's Avatar
You've done an excellent job of summarily digesting (is that redundant) the issue at hand. Stop the hate and just embrace everyone's differences, foibles, and inclinations. How hard can that be? People just want to be themselves. Is that so hard to understand?
annie@christophers's Avatar
At summarily...
annie@christophers's Avatar
It stretches to every post cause that love of not the BIGGEST one annie
terrier16973479's Avatar
Great thread!
Some things I say when I disagree with someone:

"It sounds like we have a difference of opinion."

"That is one of the things I love about this country, everyone is free to express their opinion!"
