Ouch.. Precedent could be set if she wins.

She claims she felt like she was being raped and is now suing for 500k. That's a serious precedent this lawsuit could set if she wins.

Porn Star Sues Josh Duggar For Assault And Battery
I think the big question here is: did she ask/tell him to stop?
The niggling question I have is it couldn't have been THAT bad if she accepted an apology and saw him again.....makes me think she has problems saying "no" and setting boundaries in the first place.
The niggling question I have is it couldn't have been THAT bad if she accepted an apology and saw him again.....makes me think she has problems saying "no" and setting boundaries in the first place. Originally Posted by SA Angel
I was actually having this discussion with someone yesterday and these were my thoughts. She tried to say she was traumatized but it sure didn't stop her from seeing him again. Plenty of other clients she could've seen.
It was about $ then and its about $ now...
69Goat's Avatar
^^^ +1
This is actually really big or could be. Surprised this thread has only got 400 views so far. Keeping an eye on this outcome.
The niggling question I have is it couldn't have been THAT bad if she accepted an apology and saw him again.....makes me think she has problems saying "no" and setting boundaries in the first place. Originally Posted by SA Angel
I saw no mention of an apology in the hyperlinked article, Angel. Furthermore, while she had sex with him twice, he was violent during one of those encounters (not necessarily the first). Are you basing your statements on a different source of information?

Were I the judge, unless she had time-stamped photos of physical injuries, I'd toss the case out of my courtroom; for at best, it would be a case of "he-said-she-said"; and, at worst, an attempt to take advantage of his public disgrace and shake him down.

This is actually really big or could be... Originally Posted by Dr. Grey
Understand, I am no fan of the defendant. But if she wins this suit, it would be big, all right: a major miscarriage of justice. Worse yet, would set a horrible precedent.
RandB fan's Avatar
He's too young to run for president.

as far as the suit goes... All future decisions are based on past performance so depending on where filed his attorney will get paid like a rock star...and she will fade back to...who is she....
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
She's a liar. Cashmere said it best. ^