I think we need to make the review form not submit if all the sections are not filled out.

On the form for reviews it should be set-up so the review cannot be submitted till all the required lines are filled in.
After all a review is supposed to be about providing info to the other users of this site.When the website,,e-mail or phone numbers are left out ,we have no way to know what they look like or how to contact them.When the details section is left empty it is a totally useless review to those who want to know how well the session really went.
Too many "ad" reviews have been popping up lately also and these are usually the ones who are the worst offenders for not filling out the info.
In the board's defense, sometimes a lady doesn't supply this info. For instance, there is a space for URL. What if she doesn't have a webpage? There is a place for you to post an ad location, but on CL it doesn't take long for that to expire, and if you don't post correctly the BP ad, then you don't go to her ad anyway.

Bottom line, the current form, I think, is about as good as it gets.
at least people would try to post the bp and cl ads instead of telling people to search for it.Thats just being plain lazy.
A broken link would show the reviewer at least tried.But the url isn't the only thing being left out of the reviews.In the past week there has been quite a few without the details,description and more.
If a person isn't going to even try to do a complete review it shouldn't be posted.
ANONONE's Avatar
. . .but you're okay if a lady chooses to keep her phone number or email, or some other detail private until screening? Keep in mind, non-premium access members (really anyone on the internet) can visit the part of a review thread that has that info.

At least I think that is the way the page is set up, right?