It seems that I have lately heard nothing but gloom and doom. Dire predictions that the Arkansas board is going to implode. Out of state hobbyists decrying our drama. Granted there has been a pall cast on the festive postings we usually enjoy. Some of them look like Naked City meets the Book of Revelation. Cat fights have been on hold while people investigate, summarize, plead cases and behave as if this were the Supreme Court serving subpoenas and calling witnesses. Enough is enough. I think everyone has had a say by now and no doubt more says are yet to be had, but as has been ably noted this board is for the exchange of information and having fun with beautiful providers and cultured gentleman hobbyists.
In case you have missed it during the last few weeks hobbying is going on. Numerous reviews are being written and new providers and hobbyists are swelling the ranks, some of them are real crackerjacks. Now, I'm not saying it is time to link arms and sing Kumbaya, but if anyone has anything positive to say Now is the time to say it.