Defensive Driving classes

pmdelites's Avatar
hey, it's time for me to take another one of these to lower my auto liability insurance premiums.

who's recently been to a decent class? or one at a decent restaurant?
looking in the north central, n.e. dallas, richardson, west garland area.

pls post info/ph#/website here or send me a pvtmsg.

(i wonder if i post this in the ISO section if the same 4-8 providers will post "avail"? )
Charlie Brown's Avatar
I take them on line pm just to save time but I have done the comedy class as well.

Just do what you know how to do and if you have the time, I recommend the comedy class.
There are online ones that you can take at your pace. Have you looked into those?
pyramider's Avatar
Some insurance companies do not give the 10% discount anymore.
pmdelites's Avatar
i liked the several i've taken at a restaurant cos you get a meal w/ the class. once at dixie house, once at ihop, once at that mexican restaurant in mesquite. brings the cost of the class down to about $25.

There are online ones that you can take at your pace. Have you looked into those? Originally Posted by fick26
i sit at a computer long enough these days that i dont want to sit in front of on for 6-8 more hrs.
plus the last time i did so, the stopwatch that was timing you as you did the course (to meet the 6-8 hr requirement0 would STOP if you clicked on another window, partially covered it, or just clicked outside the window. thus, forcing you to watch.

know of any online classes where i can have the video running but multi-task - like ogling providers on eccie and writing pvtmsgs & emails to line up providers for my next tour of delites??
duopoly's Avatar
It has been a good ten years, but if I am remembering correctly, there are online classes that you can take chapter by chapter. It doesn't have to be all at once. I'm thinking within 10 days of starting.
pmd is this in relation to a citation. If so, I will pm you a better option
pmdelites's Avatar
unit, no citation (cross fingers and knock on wood).
just wanting to get my insurance discount so i'll have some $ for an intimate consultation.