How To Tell If You Need A Nicer Incall (A Public Service Announcement)

Oralist's Avatar
1. There are two homeless guys fist fighting in the parking lot.

2. There is a homeless woman on the other side of the Incall fence. She has a plastic cup and is rooting around in the flower beds.

3. The Incall fence is topped with razor wire.

4. There is a homeless person's shopping cart just outside the parking lot.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Don't be a homelessphobe.
I will add anything with a number in the hotel...I.e. Motel 6, Super 8...ect.

There are times when a provider disclosed her location I have passed as I don't want to bring home a case of bed bugs.
Drealman832's Avatar
That's why I prefer outcalls. I know my place is fixed up enough and I don't have to worry about missing stuff.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 06-09-2019, 08:25 AM
Two cars on cinder blocks in the parking lot......
pyramider's Avatar
What? You don't like my house? And its three cars on cinder blocks, you missed the one under the tree in the front yard.
1. You are worried about your car getting broke in to.
2. Young thugs lurking around when you pull in.
3. Stains all over the bed.
4. Afraid to take your shoes off for fear of catching some thing.
5. Hallway smells like weed.