Homicidal Incels Are Exhibit A for Why Prostitution Should Be Legal

  • pxmcc
  • 06-13-2019, 08:26 AM
Any thoughts, agree or disagree?
boardman's Avatar
If they're homicidal they just need a reason, any reason to justify their actions. Take away the reason and they'll just find another one.
  • pxmcc
  • 06-13-2019, 09:04 AM
If they're homicidal they just need a reason, any reason to justify their actions. Take away the reason and they'll just find another one. Originally Posted by boardman
my theory is that if they got some pussy-even paid pussy-they'd stop feeling sorry for themselves and griping about being involuntarily celibate. you know how many wars or violent acts have been initiated over pussy, or inability to get some? well the Trojan War for one, but there are many others.
Chlorine's Avatar
^^^ I was wondering why they chose that name for condoms!
  • pxmcc
  • 06-13-2019, 02:21 PM
^^^ I was wondering why they chose that name for condoms! Originally Posted by Chlorine
boardman's Avatar
my theory is that if they got some pussy-even paid pussy-they'd stop feeling sorry for themselves and griping about being involuntarily celibate. you know how many wars or violent acts have been initiated over pussy, or inability to get some? well the Trojan War for one, but there are many others. Originally Posted by pxmcc
I understand your line of thinking but a getting or not getting pussy isn't the problem with someone that doesn't value human life.

If a guy doesn't have the self control not to kill someone, getting pussy isn't going to cure that flaw. Just my 2 cents.
Someone stupid enough to kill someone else because he's not getting any pussy......should be put out of his misery.
Russ38's Avatar
I’ll volunteer to put’em out....the majority of these individuals have deep rooted mommy issues....and as bm mentioned, I doubt readily available poon would resolve that.....VVVV only one solution.....
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Let's all remember this guy got pussy & STILL killed like one.... two.... six million Jews

  • pxmcc
  • 06-13-2019, 06:20 PM
Let's all remember this guy got pussy & STILL killed like one.... two.... six million Jews

Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
look i'm not saying all murders are over lack of poon. i'm just saying that legalizing prostitution would give the incels no reason to keep hating and murdering women and the men they think are luckier than them. scroll down to the mass murder section.

btw, welcome back to the board, Dorian.
I doubt it would make any difference
CurvyKatie's Avatar
It's not really that hard to get laid.

Show up at a bar around closing time and buy a beer for a drunk chick...

However, I think the real question is which came first, the chicken or the egg? Are these men angry because women won't sleep with them or do women avoid them because they are angry?

I remember the commentary one of the newscasters made on one of these mass murderers who kept a woman hating diary for years and the newscaster said that women must have just instinctively known there was something intrinsically wrong with the guy.

So I can see your point, pxmcc, and what might lead one to believe that lack of sex drove these people crazy. It has been proven that lack of touch can make people go crazy and even physically ill. But monks don't have sex either and they are not crazy.

These people perhaps had mental challenges to begin with.

So, perhaps, those challenges these people face may have unfortunately led to their forced celibacy?
  • pxmcc
  • 06-14-2019, 02:08 AM
^^^ I was wondering why they chose that name for condoms! Originally Posted by Chlorine
ya Helen must've had some bomb ass pussy and her head game must've been a1 for Menelaus to be so butthurt about her running off with another fucktard to bring all his homies halfway across the Meditteranean to start a war just to recover his favorite piece of ass..

and do you remember why Achilles sat out the war until his bff Patroclus (honestly i think Achilles swung both ways) got mowed down by murderous Hector? that was also over pussy, and Achilles getting all butthurt cause Agamemnon took his fave piece of ass. And Agamemnon did that cause he also had to give up his fave piece of ass, so he pulled rank on Achilles. (Agamemnon was the king over all of Greece, whereas Achilles was only king of the Myrmidons.) oops. way to piss off the greatest warrior in all the known land, at the beginning of a difficult war..

i'm telling you, pussy has started a lot of wars and led to a lot of deaths. i kinda feel bad for the incels, tbh. i'd throw in 20 for a go-fund-me for an angry incel to get some..

some hip university should let me teach a class on the Iliad. i'd break that shit down..before i got fired lol.