Betrayed by events

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Over the last few months we have had some of our friends on the left make claims about the success of GM, gas prices going down, and the stock market rising. Of course instead of giving credit to the American worker, invester, or businessman they give credit to Obama.

Not even Obama was stupid enough to take credit for dropping gas prices because they knew that they would go back up. Obama had no control over them and never did. Our friends here were not as smart.

Now after GM took $60 billion of taxpayer money their profits are slipping. It is easy to "show" a profit when you've recieved free money but now as they say the bill is coming due. The sugar high is over.

We were also treated this week to a number of chaotic trades on the stock exchange floor. A lot of people are scratching their heads. You have to wonder if the same thing that happened in 2008 is going to happen again on a smaller scale or maybe the stock bubble is about to burst.

You can count the number of Obama successes on one hand...maybe one finger (I'll give him OBL after a couple of false starts and screwing up the post game but he did get to be the one who gave the order).

I may as well take this time to point out that the new school year is about to start and my schedule will change again. I won't be able to post as often but don't take my lessened presence as a win for your vapid thoughts. I will get around to them. In the mean time I will be molding young minds for the future.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-02-2012, 11:16 AM
when those issues go the other way the rightwing dildos like you blame him ..

note ......

Bush handed GM the bailout money and you blame Obama .. a prime example of your hypocrisy shadowed by your stupidity.
I forgot JD is a teacher.
Hats off to you. You have an under appreciated occupation.
And one of the more important jobs in society. Sorry you don't get the respect you deserve.

That said. Please try to be non partisan in your teaching.
The kids deserve an unbiased tint to their learning.

And please tell me you don't teach small children.
That would be fucking creepy. Posting here and all.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You, a Mao worshipping child molester, are worried about me teaching small children? Check the reviews. I like experienced women.

As for CJ; Obama wanted the bailout and so did McCain. Bush brought them both in and asked what they wanted to do. Now it was Obama who set the terms through Timothy Geitner. So don't blame me if I give you a hundred dollars but blame yourself if you blew it all on a crossdresser.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-02-2012, 12:37 PM
You, a Mao worshipping child molester, are worried about me teaching small children? Check the reviews. I like experienced women.

As for CJ; Obama wanted the bailout and so did McCain. Bush brought them both in and asked what they wanted to do. Now it was Obama who set the terms through Timothy Geitner. So don't blame me if I give you a hundred dollars but blame yourself if you blew it all on a crossdresser. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Bush bailed out the car guys because Obie and McSame wanted him to ..


I DONT GIVE A RATS ASS WHO SET WHAT TERMS ... The Crawford Flash stood at the podium and announced he was bailing out Detroit, and did ONE MONTH before Obie was sworn in

damn events betrayed you didnt they teach?
Bush is a crossdresser? well damn you learn something new on this board daily....
  • Laz
  • 08-02-2012, 05:14 PM
Bush gave them enough money to carry them over to the next administration so that they could implement the policies they wanted. He did not bail them out he just gave them time so Obama could have the option of how to deal with them.

I disagree with what Bush did. He should have let them go through a bankruptcy process that would have allowed them to reorganize like lots of other companies have done. This BS about no money being available is wrong. The investors and unions would have lost a lot or even all of their money but at the right price there would have been plenty of buyers.
You, a Mao worshipping child molester, are worried about me teaching small children? Check the reviews. I like experienced women.

As for CJ; Obama wanted the bailout and so did McCain. Bush brought them both in and asked what they wanted to do. Now it was Obama who set the terms through Timothy Geitner. So don't blame me if I give you a hundred dollars but blame yourself if you blew it all on a crossdresser. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I sent you a genuine compliment and acknowledgment for your
Under appreciated job, " Jon Red corn".

You're welcome for the "props".
Apparently I must have hit a nerve.

Oh.......... They really must be minors.
Or are you a community college prof?

You have a difficult job as a teacher, regardless of age.

How does Oklahomas' education system rank nationally?

The ranking nationally is sad.. You claiming to teach there isn't
Exactly an endorsement of your intellect.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Hmmmm, kinda like everything you post pointing toward the end of the world as we know it.

Over the last few months we have had some of our friends on the left make claims about the success of GM, gas prices going down, and the stock market rising. Of course instead of giving credit to the American worker, invester, or businessman they give credit to Obama.

Not even Obama was stupid enough to take credit for dropping gas prices because they knew that they would go back up. Obama had no control over them and never did. Our friends here were not as smart.

Now after GM took $60 billion of taxpayer money their profits are slipping. It is easy to "show" a profit when you've recieved free money but now as they say the bill is coming due. The sugar high is over.

We were also treated this week to a number of chaotic trades on the stock exchange floor. A lot of people are scratching their heads. You have to wonder if the same thing that happened in 2008 is going to happen again on a smaller scale or maybe the stock bubble is about to burst.

You can count the number of Obama successes on one hand...maybe one finger (I'll give him OBL after a couple of false starts and screwing up the post game but he did get to be the one who gave the order).

I may as well take this time to point out that the new school year is about to start and my schedule will change again. I won't be able to post as often but don't take my lessened presence as a win for your vapid thoughts. I will get around to them. In the mean time I will be molding young minds for the future. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Lighten up JD the world will end the 21of Dec.Just chill and enjoy your last few days..
Oh my, JD .
That's fucking disturbing.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay UB I'm sorry about the takedown. You have to understand some of the shit that is thrown by the monkeys in here.

I work in Kansas and not Oklahoma. My students are all young adults except for an occassional genius who is underage but WTF and CJ would not understand things like that.
Okay UB I'm sorry about the takedown. You have to understand some of the shit that is thrown by the monkeys in here.

I work in Kansas and not Oklahoma. My students are all young adults except for an occassional genius who is underage but WTF and CJ would not understand things like that. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Seriously. All snarling aside. Thanks for your service to the youth.

Try not to get caught looking up skirts.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Who told you about that?

One more betrayal; Unemployment (according to them) is up to 8.3%. I wish it was only 8.3 %. For graduating college students it is about 16% and if you count underemployment it is close to 50%.