The Benghazi Hearings

markroxny's Avatar
I'm so glad this is finally underway, now we can get down to it and cut thru all the bullshit.

A House Foreign Affairs hearing on "Benghazi and Beyond" quickly turned into a shouting and accusations forum.
It began when Republican Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) said this: "What is clear is that this administration, including the president himself, has intentionally misinformed, read that LIED, to the American people in the aftermath of this tragedy. Now President Obama has the gall to float the name as possibly secretary of State, the name of the person who is the actual vehicle used to misinform the American people during this crisis."
Rep. Brad Sherman, a Democrat also from California, called the attacks on Rice "unfair" and leveled that Colin Powell testified that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, because that's the information that was given to him.

Rohrabacher shot back, going further, intimating that what the White House has done is worse than Watergate. "This is not simply a cover up of a third-rate burglary," he alleged. "We have four of our personnel dead, and it is not a McCarthy-era tactic to demand accountability and to demand that American people are not misinformed about it to the point that they don't know what the threat is."

The back and forth continued when Rep. Jean Schmidt, a Republican from Ohio, also accused the administration of lying.

Key Republicans on the Senate Armed Services Committee are calling for a broader investigation into the attack on Benghazi and vowing to block UN Ambassador Susan Rice from becoming Secretary of State, if she should be nominated, because of her initial comments about the fatal incident. Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., discusses.
"This administration continues to put out things that are just not quite true," she claimed.
Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN) began by saying he was not going to attack the White House or malfeasance at the State Department. But he then instead spoke for six minutes and didn't ask a single question of the GAO witness.
Naturally, Democrats responded. It began rather timidly and escalated.
"Barack Obama was no more responsible for what happened in Benghazi than George Bush was for Sept. 11th or Ronald Reagan was for the blowing up of U.S. Marines in Beirut," Rep. Eliot Engle (D-NY) said.

Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-NY) unloaded, first sarcastically: "Let's just hang the guilty parties."
"The stench of hypocrisy that hangs over this city today emanates from this room," Ackerman said. "I've listened to my colleagues talk about the President of the United States and others in the administration using [the] terms 'deliberate', 'lies', 'unmitigated gall', 'malfeasance,' which is malicious and knowing evil-doing, 'disgust', 'coverups'."
He continued, "If you want to know who is responsible in this town, buy yourself a mirror!"
Ackerman went on to say that Republicans had "the audacity to come here" when the administration requested, for worldwide security, "$440 million more than you guys wanted to provide. And the answer is that you damn didn't provide it! You REDUCED what the administration asked for to protect these people. Ask not who the guilty party is, it's you! It is us. It is this committee, and the things that we insist that we need have to cost money."
He added, "Could you tell me which of my colleagues on this committee was as bodacious in their insistence that we provide more money for American security in the State Department budget. I would appreciate it."
Ackerman then asked them to raise their hands and gave them a count of five to do so. None did.
Rep. Gerald Connolly (D-VA) picked up the push back. He held up a letter, dated yesterday, in which he was asked to co-sign saying that Susan Rice is unfit to be secretary of State.
"Smear, character assassination, judgment before all the facts are in is McCarthyism," Connolly said, "and that's an attempt to besmirch, in my opinion, the reputation of a very talented and capable public servant. I want no part of it."
He added, "The election is over. The president won reelection. The voices of the public were heard. They want us to cooperate. If you want an honest investigation of this tragedy, we will join you. But if you want to persist in trying to put this, lay this somehow at the doorstep of the president or the secretary of State or the United Nations ambassador, you will find us ready and willing to resist to the teeth."
And that was just the first half of the hearing.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-15-2012, 04:06 PM
cut through the BS ... youre kidding

regardless of what comes out of the hearings, if the real facts dont match up with the rightwinger talking points they'll be yammering and slobbering about this for as long as they have clintons BJ ..
Yssup Rider's Avatar
At least we'll be rid of the speculative bullshit. That's something.
cut through the BS ... youre kidding

regardless of what comes out of the hearings, if the real facts dont match up with the rightwinger talking points they'll be yammering and slobbering about this for as long as they have clintons BJ .. Originally Posted by CJ7
Correct. The whackadoos have their own version of "the facts" and it doesn't make any difference what anybody says.

They will make up their own set of "facts" to suit their purpose. Check the boards, it is what they do every single day. Liars and lowlife shitbags like Whirly, Choom, COG, JD and the rest will make up the facts to suit whatever fits their fantasy fictional scenario that's designed to denigrate the President. Sad.
Hearings don't take place because of a hunch. Hearings take place because of specific information and circumstances that are related to serious incidents that need to be investigated. When it's all over there will be those that will be held accountable.
Hearings don't take place because of a hunch. Hearings take place because of specific information and circumstances that are related to serious incidents that need to be investigated. When it's all over there will be those that will be held accountable. Originally Posted by acp5762
You're an idiot. These days, hearings take place because whoever controls the idea that hearings should take place thinks that there is political gain having hearings take place.
You're an idiot. These days, hearings take place because whoever controls the idea that hearings should take place thinks that there is political gain having hearings take place. Originally Posted by timpage
You know nothing about "These Days" you Dumb Jackass. Nobody is going to waste their time on some lame ass hearing just because someone thinks they should. This incident which involved people loseing their lives has quite a trail of accountability issues.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You really don't understand do you? Can you show me evidence that Bush or Reagan was approached during their attacks and asked for aid only to have them deny any aid to those under attack? This is apples and oranges again. We know better and I wonder if you do.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
My Pet Goat.
markroxny's Avatar
Correct. The whackadoos have their own version of "the facts" and it doesn't make any difference what anybody says.

They will make up their own set of "facts" to suit their purpose. Check the boards, it is what they do every single day. Liars and lowlife shitbags like Whirly, Choom, COG, JD and the rest will make up the facts to suit whatever fits their fantasy fictional scenario that's designed to denigrate the President. Sad. Originally Posted by timpage
True but once this investigation is over and no one is impeached or brought up on charges this issue will be officially put to bed just like the Fast & Furious bullshit. After the investigation is concluded they can keep going on about it all they want, it won't amount to shit.

That's what I'm looking forward to.

JD, you are not arguing with's Eliot Engle that said those words about Reagan and Bush. You got issue with it, call him up and argue it with him.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You mean, of course, once the cover up is complete, not the "investigation".
markroxny's Avatar
You mean, of course, once the cover up is complete, not the "investigation". Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You are so full of shit old man.

You want there to be a cover up because you hate Obama.

Get ready for the big nothing COF.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No, I don't want a cover up. I want the truth to come out. That will be a big "something". And I don't hate Obama, I just disapprove of dishonest, corrupt and incompetent Presidents, regardless of race, color, creed or political affiliation.

But keep it up. It's going to be a looooonng four years of defending him. It will be funny to watch. Miserable to endure, but funny to watch.

markroxny's Avatar
No hater, it's gonna be a loooong 4 years hating on him. After this Benghazi shit, I won't have to be in these stupid debates anymore. He won, he's the president. You are the one who hates him. I don't have to defend a damn thing. That's what you don't get in all your blind hatred.
markroxny's Avatar