It is not quite New Years....

smoothnsilky's Avatar
but has anyone thought of any resolutions for the New Year?

What changes do you see yourself making in the New Year?

Anyone have anything thrilling or adventurous planned?

Personally, I am planning on working harder on school work and possibly volunteering a bit more.

What are your thoughts, dreams, goals??
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-23-2012, 11:37 AM
my new years resolution will be to never make any resolutions

I am not quite certain but it will have something to do with

smoothnsilky's Avatar
my new years resolution will be to never make any resolutions

Originally Posted by CJ7
That is quite a good resolution to have!

I prefer to think of my resolutions as goals so I am more likely to accomplish them.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-23-2012, 12:56 PM
That is quite a good resolution to have!

I prefer to think of my resolutions as goals so I am more likely to accomplish them. Originally Posted by smoothnsilky
when I make a resolution it dawns on me Im trying to make myself do something, and when anyone trys to make me do something I rebel ..
Mine is never say never..
DallasDoc's Avatar
I will hobby more..... I will travel more.... and hobby..... I will workout and lose 13 lbs..... I will hobby more...... I will drink more red wine....... I will try to be more available to hobby
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think one of them will be to try and get all of you into my mouth Dawn! lookin good, babe!

Oh yeah ... AND find a place in DC to crash during the inauguration. Got tickets to balls and luncheons, etc. Just no place to hang. Last time we froze our nads off. Any of you DC Wingers willing to rent me your crib? I know you don't want to be there for Obamalypse, Verse 2!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I think one of them will be to try and get all of you into my mouth Dawn! lookin good, babe!

Oh yeah ... AND find a place in DC to crash during the inauguration. Got tickets to balls and luncheons, etc. Just no place to hang. Last time we froze our nads off. Any of you DC Wingers willing to rent me your crib? I know you don't want to be there for Obamalypse, Verse 2! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
yea, my brother's sister in law, she was named Female Republican of the year, a few years back. I am sure she would love to have you

More fucking in 2013 than 2012. 2012 has been difficult with gf gynacological issues. But we started off the new year this afternoon.

Plus hope to get some skiing early next year, not sure which three girls to take with me

Actually 3x ski gear and lifts gets a bit expensive. And i'm sure these Houston girls will complain about the cold and the snow.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
yea, my brother's sister in law, she was named Female Republican of the year, a few years back. I am sure she would love to have you

Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Actually I just fucked her!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Actually I just fucked her! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
and she said
and she said Originally Posted by cptjohnstone

That's one of the best comebacks I've seen on this board in a long time.

Beat's the hell out of all the name-calling.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
for a DIPSHIT I've got to hand it to you. that there was pretty funny.

I fucked her too!

And, so you won't feel totally unscathed, ExNYr -- you're a shithead!