At What Age & Why?

I havent been on Eccie much lately and have only been a member for a short time. If this question has already been answered, I apologize. If it offends someone, I apologize, please don't respond. I am a curious one and the other day I was trying to determine my personal purpose for entering the hobby as well as staying in the hobby. I look forward to many great responses!

My three questions are:

How old were you when you entered the hobby?

Why do you think you entered the hobby?

What has kept you in the hobby?
burkalini's Avatar
NO drama sex
Nothing I'm out
shorty's Avatar
Bored One Evening and Anonymous Sex
Thrill Of Doing Something Illegal, Trying Different Things And Provider's, Friendship's I've Made With Provider's
davidsmith0123's Avatar
Wanted a lady that was in shape, and wanted to deal with a bucket list
Found ladies that were in shape, and making progress on the bucket list
How old were you when you entered the hobby? 37

Why do you think you entered the hobby? My wife started going through menopause very early, in her 30's, and we went from having sex 3-4 times a week to once a month. Since I'm very active in my children's lives, coaching their ball teams and helping them with homework, I decided I would try this as opposed to getting a girlfriend on the side or a divorce and break everyone up.

What has kept you in the hobby? I get to have "dates" with all of the beautiful women I was too scared to ask out when I was in high school and college. But the best part is that after the 1-2 hour "date", I get to go home to the real world, be happy, kiss my kids good night, then smile as I fall to sleep, with no girlfriends or sugarbabies to call the next day.
FlyboyNY's Avatar
How old: 28

Why: When our son was born it was like someone turned off a switch for my wife. Sex
became a hit or miss thing. Then when my daughter was born 3 years later that
was pretty much it. Once in awhile if I really pushed we had sex but it was very
much "here I am, lets get this overwith. I adored my kids then ( still do 28
years later) and did not want to miss that.

Keeps me: The ability to fulfill my passionate needs and make some very good friends
along the way. I have also been able to help a few young women that
struggling in life.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I don't like the term "bucketlist" I find it very degrading. Carry on...
Age: 68
Why: No home sex for 7 years after wife was put on medication for depression, which killed her libido. She was agreeable to "satisfy" me, but my older equipment needs responsiveness and passion from my partner.
Reason for continuing: Young beautiful bodies that are responsive and passionate.
I don't like the term "bucketlist" I find it very degrading. Carry on... Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Why? It's merely a list of things you want to do (accomplish) before you die. In the context of this world, it's about who you want to spend some BCD time with before you die. Would you prefer the term "wish list?"

You're not comparing anyone to a bucket. You're listing the ladies/gents you would like to spend some time with before you kick the bucket.

[If you haven't seen the movie, it's worth going to see.]
burkalini's Avatar
I don't like the term "bucketlist" I find it very degrading. Carry on... Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Naomi it's not degrading at all. If your in a bucket list your very high on someones list of life wishes
Cpalmson's Avatar
Age entered: 22

Why: Absolutely zero luck trying to get into the panties of civie girls and lap dances just aren't like the real thing. Decided to give the world of escorts a try.

Why remain: Thrill and excitement of being with someone different and the possibility of doing something new/different.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 01-08-2011, 05:26 PM
mid 20's

GF lame in bed will only have sex a few times a month and has some issue with being on the rag for a real long time.

I still do it as I am still with her.

I dont know how anyone could be offended by a bucket list either. Its like being offended by a grocery list.
London Rayne's Avatar
I had just turned 26 and split with a BF. I was working nearly 50 hours a week at a job that I thought a degree would benefit. Too many hours for not enough money, then I did not even like that field any more. Had a baby, decided to go back for another degree, and this just seemed perfect. I can work when I want, see who I want, and have enough free time to actually enjoy life again.

Why am I still here? Not done with school yet.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Why? It's merely a list of things you want to do (accomplish) before you die. In the context of this world, it's about who you want to spend some BCD time with before you die. Would you prefer the term "wish list?"

You're not comparing anyone to a bucket. You're listing the ladies/gents you would like to spend some time with before you kick the bucket.

[If you haven't seen the movie, it's worth going to see.] Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Naomi it's not degrading at all. If your in a bucket list your very high on someones list of life wishes Originally Posted by burkalini
Thanks for clearing that up guys.
jpjohnson7454's Avatar
22/23.......for lust