I was amazed at how good the Democratic convention was.
Man I wish I could have been there it looked like so much fun. I watched most of it. Even Joe Scarborough from "Morning Joe" who is a loyal Republican and says the most asinine things on TV (I put him right up there with Bill O'reily, sometimes) even he admitted this morning, that the Republican campaign folks flopped their convention and better pull it together, because the Democrats rocked yesterday in a major way.
Man I love this former Governors speech she was something else:
Ex Michigan's Governors Jennifer Granholms Fiery Speech "Video"
Quote: (in speaking about GM and the saving of it)...."Well in Mitt Romney's world the cars get the elevator and the people get the shaft"! I laughed my ass off when she said that. She was so animated...haha
Obama is going to win this and I will be rooting for him!