Biden finally did something smart.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Slept through a global warming conference.
Slept through a global warming conference. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Too right, mate!

... Hee Hee! Sleepy Joe made us proud for once!

Trump basically said the same thing: Even Sleepy Joe
didn't wanna listen to the climate bullshit!

### Salty
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Global warming is only part of the problem when it comes to pollution. Dipshit companies making plastic garbage to save money and shit like Styrofoam, which cannot be recycled and doesn't need to exist, should also be mentioned. Manufacturing Teflon pollutes the shit out of the environment. So does a lot of other shit. So what if we reduce carbon emissions but still continue to pollute the piss out of the environment?
Slept through a global warming conference. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Why won't the leftwingers on here point ANY accomplishments out...I have asked them over and over and it took you to point this out!!
was greta speaking?

the new york times headline

Greta Thunberg Is Mobbed as She Arrives in Glasgow

in the story itself its not quite so dramatic

seems the crowd included photographers and a few young people
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
He was wearing a new set of Depends and had just drank a glass of milk.
bambino's Avatar
Trumps such a meanie

NOVEMBER 1, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Even Biden couldn't stand hearing so much about the Global Warming Hoax, the 7th biggest Hoax in America, followed closely behind by the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, Russia, Russia, Russia, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2 and, of course, the "No Collusion" finding of the Mueller Report. Biden went to Europe saying Global Warming is his highest priority, and then promptly fell asleep, for all the world to see, at the Conference itself. Nobody that has true enthusiasm and belief in a subject will ever fall asleep!

its not just that

its all the private jets spewing exhausts and rolling entourages of black limousines and SUVs packed with pistol packing protectors and dinners of fancy steaks derived from previous gas emitting large beasts and air conditioned suites and halls set for comfort and all the rest

if biden truly believed the truth of his existential threat and one for which he wants to kneecap America wouldn't they plan things a little bit better?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yea ,wasn't Miami and manhatten gonna be under water by 2000 ,, Per god gore Hmm
At best these are the same morons that cant get the weather right 2 days
  • oeb11
  • 11-02-2021, 08:39 AM
its not just that

its all the private jets spewing exhausts and rolling entourages of black limousines and SUVs packed with pistol packing protectors and dinners of fancy steaks derived from previous gas emitting large beasts and air conditioned suites and halls set for comfort and all the rest

if biden truly believed the truth of his existential threat and one for which he wants to kneecap America wouldn't they plan things a little bit better? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

NGIT - thoughtful as always
The hypocrisy of teh nomeklatura of teh democraticommunists is their greatest mental degense mechanism against realizing the intellectual bankruptcy of their agenda/ideology.

Hypocrisy Uber Alles

Until , and if, they get to build their AOC concentration camps

Then - smokestacks uber alles and air pollution of 100 million conservatives murdered by the democraticommunist disciples of Comrade Xi!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
We were supposed to be dead from the ozone hole a couple decades ago.
HedonistForever's Avatar
its not just that

its all the private jets spewing exhausts and rolling entourages of black limousines and SUVs packed with pistol packing protectors and dinners of fancy steaks derived from previous gas emitting large beasts and air conditioned suites and halls set for comfort and all the rest

if biden truly believed the truth of his existential threat and one for which he wants to kneecap America wouldn't they plan things a little bit better? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

I'm sure that was rhetorical but hey, we are talking about Joe "Kabul" Biden here. Plan better? Don't think he is capable of planning anything other than the demise of America.
NGIT - thoughtful as always
The hypocrisy of teh nomeklatura of teh democraticommunists is their greatest mental degense mechanism against realizing the intellectual bankruptcy of their agenda/ideology.

Hypocrisy Uber Alles

Until , and if, they get to build their AOC concentration camps

Then - smokestacks uber alles and air pollution of 100 million conservatives murdered by the democraticommunist disciples of Comrade Xi! Originally Posted by oeb11
oh another thing

they have the long line of cars idling for them so the coolness will be waiting and when they are ready there wont be an extra moments delay
bambino's Avatar
Where’s Putin and Xi? Back home producing fossil fuels and laughing at Shitty Pants passing out.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Where’s Putin and Xi? Back home producing fossil fuels and laughing at Shitty Pants passing out. Originally Posted by bambino
and they'll achieve their goal by 2060.