Winsome Sears says she would die for America, starts 'USA' chant during victory speech: 'American dream'

  • oeb11
  • 11-03-2021, 07:44 AM

Winsome Sears described her projected win as a 'God thing'

By Emma Colton | Fox News

Youngkin running mate Winsome Sears speaks to supporters

Sears projected to become Virginia's first woman of color to serve as lieutenant governor

Winsome Sears delivered a patriotic speech after she was projected to become the first woman and woman of color to be elected Virginia’s lieutenant governor.
"I'm telling you that what you are looking at is the American dream," Sears said during her victory speech.
Sears, a Marine Corps veteran, claimed victory in a speech early Wednesday morning and was met by a crowd chanting, "Winsome! Winsome! Winsome!"

Former Republican Delegate Winsome Sears takes the stage after winning the race for Lt. Governor of Virginia, during an election night party for Republican candidate for Governor Glenn Youngkin, in Chantilly Virginia, U.S., November 3, 2021. REUTERS/ Jonathan Ernst (REUTERS/ Jonathan Ernst)

"When I joined the Marine Corps, I was still a Jamaican. But this country had done so much for me, I was willing, willing, to die for this country," Sears said during her victory speech early Wednesday morning.
She then led the boisterous crowd in a "USA" chant.

Former Republican Delegate Winsome Sears celebrates winning the race for Lt. Governor of Virginia as she introduces Republican candidate for Governor Glenn Youngkin during an election night party in Chantilly Virginia, U.S., November 3, 2021. REUTERS/ Jonathan Ernst (REUTERS/ Jonathan Ernst)

"In case you haven't noticed, I am Black. And I have been Black all my life, but that's not what this is about," she continued.
"What we are going to do now is be about the business of the Commonwealth," she said. "We have things to tend to. We are going to fully fund our historically Black colleges and universities. We’re going to have safer neighborhoods, safer communities, and our children are going to get a good education."
Sears is expected to defeat Democratic opponent, State Del. Hala Ayala, in the race, and will be the first woman and woman of color to assume the position of lieutenant governor in Virginia’s history.
She immigrated to the United States from Jamaica as a child, and was the director of a Salvation Army homeless shelter prior to entering politics. She also owns an appliance and plumbing repair store in Virginia, and previously served as vice president of the Virginia Board of Education.
She served a single term in Virginia’s House of Delegates from 2002 to 2004, and her 2021 run marks her return to politics.

Former Republican Delegate Winsome Sears celebrates winning the race for Lt. Governor of Virginia as she introduces Republican candidate for Governor Glenn Youngkin during an election night party in Chantilly Virginia, U.S., November 3, 2021. REUTERS/ Jonathan Ernst (REUTERS/ Jonathan Ernst)

She described her projected win to "Fox & Friends" as a "God thing" on Wednesday morning, saying she had a "ragtag staff you know, very little money, outspent. Outgunned, if you will."
"I'm trying to find the words because I'm still processing it," Sears added.
Conservatives and supporters celebrated her expected win on social media, with many sharing a viral photo of her holding an AR-15 rifle while at a shooting range earlier this year.
Virginia also elected Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin as governor on Tuesday, in an election that was previously expected to swing in favor of Democrat Terry McAuliffe.
"My fellow Virginians," he said at his victory speech. "We stand here this morning at this defining moment, a defining moment that, yes, started with two people on a walk. And a defining moment that is now millions of Virginians walking together. Walking together, sharing dreams and hopes just like the ones that have always been planted on my own heart."

Lt. governor Sears Will serve teh peoples of teh Stte of Virginia well and truly.

a welcome change from teh venal, racist, marxist evil democraticommunist Liars

Buck fiden

From my cold dead hands
HedonistForever's Avatar
When Youngkin announced he would make "school choice" law in Virginia, an explosion could be heard in the back ground. Was it an Islamic terrorist or a terrorist parent? Nope, it was Randi Weingarten and the heads of the entire NEA, exploding!

Can you imagine the ramifications this will have on teachers and their union?

I'm sure Yougkin will appoint Winsome Sears to go head to head with Weingarten. What I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall at that meeting, assuming Weingarten will take one or merely say as Pelosi just did "this changes nothing, we intend to push ahead with our agenda, nothing is going to change how we teach "our children".

Damn Randi, did you learn nothing from the McAuliffe defeat? What? Oh, you are in to deep and your job is on the line and that's what you care about, not the kids? Well, OK then.
  • oeb11
  • 11-03-2021, 09:24 AM
HF - You are correct

Weingarten adn her racist, marxist ideology - will learn nothing
and - those who cannot learn - cannot Teach.

Sad - for the American children trapped in public schools dictated by racist, marxist democraticommunist operatives.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yupper so sad really when theys lose LOL
HedonistForever's Avatar
HF - You are correct

Weingarten adn her racist, marxist ideology - will learn nothing
and - those who cannot learn - cannot Teach.

Sad - for the American children trapped in public schools dictated by racist, marxist democraticommunist operatives. Originally Posted by oeb11

McAuliffe, understanding ( apparently he didn't ) what was happening to his numbers due to one issue, education, brings the biggest villain to the stage to double down on his mistake.

Did McAuliffe really believe that would help his cause or was he given no choice by the organization that funds the majority of his campaign? "Put me on the stage to screech and yell and further alienate moderate Democrats and Independents or you lose your funding". That would be my guess but maybe McAuliffe was really that stupid. Hard to tell.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
And the networks, along with most cable news channels, didn’t cover the speech of the 1st female ‘person of color’ to hold the Lt Governor seat. Are they racist, sexist, or both?

What a resume she has. An immigrant who learned a trade in the Marine Corps, started a contracting business after separating and held many public service positions. This is a person with the kind of character you hope to instill in your kids.
the dims should learn but likely wont and likely will double down on

calling people who don't like their policies of division and squander and brainwashing "white supremacists" and "racists", even if they aren't white

larry elder the black face of white supremacy and the Virginia moms', one who survived mao Zedong's camps and the black mom of biracial kids and the momma bear who came from india

all these people love their kids and love America, something these dimocrat/Marxists dont
  • oeb11
  • 11-03-2021, 12:06 PM
Gentlemen - Amen - good Sirs!!!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
She's great so sad the LSM has to shit on everything oh yea that's the liberal retards ,,,,Meanwhile the supreme leader shits everywhere