Rachel Maddow claims Fox News is using CRT to build ‘a campaign platform for conservative candidates’

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
the MADCOW bellows right on cue ... u go madcow.

butt .. CRT doesn't exist and no one teaches it in schools .. didn't madcow get the memo??



Rachel Maddow claims Fox News is using CRT to build ‘a campaign platform for conservative candidates’

Wed, November 3, 2021, 1:25 AM

The topic of critical race theory was prominent during MSNBC’s Decision 2021 election coverage Tuesday, as republican Glenn Youngkin was on his way to building a strong lead in the Virginia gubernatorial race over Democratic hopeful Terry McAuliffe. It has been a hot-button issue leading up to this election, and host Joy Reid said that it’s a platform that other republican candidates could run on in the future as well.

“He's found a way to launder a pretty racist trope. This idea that we cannot talk about America's history, because it hurts my feelings. He's turned that into a campaign,” Reid said of Youngkin. “And I think what Democrats have to worry about is if he succeeds, and he wins, that is going to be the campaign model for every single Republican that's running in 2022.”

And her fellow MSNBC anchor, Rachel Maddow, took that sentiment one step further, pointing out just how easy it would be to run with critical race theory as a platform.

“To have the Fox News channel, our friends at the Fox News channel, building their programming, particularly the primetime programming, around this for months. They're building a campaign platform for conservative candidates to run on it everywhere. Even though it's not actually taught anywhere. Even though it's not a real thing,” Maddow said of critical race theory.

The primetime programming she referred to includes Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham, who she says have been a constant fuel for the critical race theory fire in recent months.

“There's nothing you could pay for in any campaign that would equal the kind of free help you'd get from that kind of conservative media, just fire hose on the issue,” Maddow said.
  • oeb11
  • 11-03-2021, 05:01 PM
Hmmm - seems to me - the democraticommunist party and its' LSM are doing a bang up job Themselves

Of 'using CRT to build ‘a campaign platform for conservative candidates’

Thank U - madcow, and all your insane hating racist marxist democraticommunist party and LSM .
winn dixie's Avatar
cnn msnbc and all the others bellow crt teachings every freakin day. she sticks her man foot in her mouth all the time
  • oeb11
  • 11-03-2021, 07:48 PM
madcow has her foot in her mouth so much - she is knee deep now.
winn dixie's Avatar
Imagine madcow in nothing but chaps and spurs!

threw up a lil I scare myself
  • oeb11
  • 11-04-2021, 06:37 AM
She adn H..... would make a couple.
these people misdirect the less aware and confuse the casual listener and give spin to others who wish to be mislead all while mischaracterizing the dislike for and criticism of crt

they try to assume an unassailable position of teaching history

when its not teaching history, its assigning to history an excuse for every disparate outcome and asserting that racism is the central component of American life and that a republican form of government is nothing but protection for white supremacy
HedonistForever's Avatar
My Democrat friend asked me, "what the heck is CRT anyway and why are Republicans lying about it? My first question is, "if you know nothing about the subject, how do you know whether it is being taught or not"? You are taking the word of Biden and Democrats and they are lying to you

I said, there are only two options here. Either all those Democrats and Independents that went for Youngkin, are either complete idiots who fell for the "right wing conspiracy", or they have actually done their homework "like you haven't" and found out that everything that the Democrats, McAuliffe and CNN and especially MSNBC are telling you, are lies.

Now which is more likely? The parents have been fooled or you have?
  • oeb11
  • 11-04-2021, 08:30 AM
democraticommunist 'liberals' - are incapable of thoughtful introspection
They are dependent on their LSM propaganda
Orwell - groupthink and doublespeak - was prescient about todays' democraticommunist party
rexdutchman's Avatar
Why does anyone still listen to that Idiot
My Democrat friend asked me, "what the heck is CRT anyway and why are Republicans lying about it? My first question is, "if you know nothing about the subject, how do you know whether it is being taught or not"? You are taking the word of Biden and Democrats and they are lying to you

I said, there are only two options here. Either all those Democrats and Independents that went for Youngkin, are either complete idiots who fell for the "right wing conspiracy", or they have actually done their homework "like you haven't" and found out that everything that the Democrats, McAuliffe and CNN and especially MSNBC are telling you, are lies.

Now which is more likely? The parents have been fooled or you have? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
... EXACTLY right, Hedo... So the left tells us
that CRT is "a myth" and doesn't exist?...
Well, somebody might then wanna clue-in THE VOTERS.
The VOTERS all believe CRT exists - and Don't want it.

The VOTERS are voting the school boards OUT!

### Salty
Imagine madcow in nothing but chaps and spurs!

threw up a lil I scare myself Originally Posted by winn dixie
... YOU are a SICK man... er, ... dingo.

### Salty
CRT, in simple terms means…….”White man bad, everybody else good”.

A huge chunk of Americans are not buying this bullshit.

Of course it is right for Republicans and Conservative thinking Americans to inform voters that this is the shit that our education system is pushing.

You own it, Democrats. Embrace it. Run on it. Get beat with it.
winn dixie's Avatar
... YOU are a SICK man... er, ... dingo.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
lol thanks

Now imagine madcow gettin it on with stacy abrams

lol thanks

Now imagine madcow gettin it on with stacy abrams

Originally Posted by winn dixie
Mate, you're makin' me chunder me soup.
I feel so sick me head may explode!

### Sal