Question for the ladies

This may be a dumb question, but I was wondering. Do ya'll prefer the younger or the older guys, or does it not really make a difference?
I prefer any man as long as he is respectful, practices good hygiene, is capable of speaking and writing eloquently, and is able to carry an intelligent conversation.
Like Juliette I prefer a respectful client no matter his age. My clients are on an average about 52 but I have seen an 18 year old man who was wise beyond his years and sounded like Sean Connery.
DallasRain's Avatar
I prefer any man as long as he is respectful, practices good hygiene, is capable of speaking and writing eloquently, and is able to carry an intelligent conversation. Originally Posted by Gfe Juliette

{I tend to prefer the gent who is 40+ but will not turn down the young pup if he is respectful}
Guest031213-03's Avatar
We all agree. Young or old, respect and good hygiene will get you a long ways. lol
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
Age is a number. I've had immature/silly guys in their 50s who still laugh at fart jokes and Adult Swim - which is great. I've had 20 year olds who bore me to death. It really doesn't matter.

What matters is being clean, respectful, and nice. Flies with honey and whatnot. If you're sweet to me, I will pay you back in spades.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Respectful mature when my vote
I would go for the ages between 35-60 imo
I tend to clique with older gentlemen, but as long as the gentleman is just that, age remains nothing but a number.
sovanna's Avatar
It's not about the age. He got to be respectful and clean.
I prefer any man as long as he is respectful, practices good hygiene, is capable of speaking and writing eloquently, and is able to carry an intelligent conversation. Originally Posted by Gfe Juliette
I echo these sentiments... Prefer my gents older, but intelligence and respect along with a reference wins an appointment every time.
Abe Normal's Avatar
I'm an old fart ( 57 ), so I guess I fit in all y'all's category, even Missy's LOL

I've always tried to be fun, clean, and respectful on my dates. Gawd I love you ladies !
tammy4u's Avatar
Mature and respectful,,,,,,,,,,,prefer 40+ but have made exceptions, but definitely no one under 30.
willro's Avatar
I stumbled on this topic when I first started in the hobby by having a provider tell me I was not not old enough for her requirements. I was early 30s then. I found this very odd since she was about the same age. Her reason for the rule was too many disrespectful younger guys and too many young guys that had, um, shall we say... had an overenthusiastic approach to a session. A few providers have one too many negative experiences and then make a rule that excludes an entire age group (or sometimes a particular race). I hate to see it, but I can see why it happens too. I think all the ladies responding above have stressed one major thing.... just be respectful.
That has never been a problem for me. It's just a personal choice with age. I love older men