What is up with Trump's hair?

Is that a comb-over or what? Why doesn't he spend some of those billions he is always bragging about on a hair transplant or a weave or something? He wouldn't have to worry about the wind mussing his 'do any more and he could shitcan that stupid fucking ballcap he has started wearing to prevent shit like this:
Attached Images File Type: jpg donald-trump-bad-hair.jpg (256.4 KB, 133 views)
He doubles as a wind sock when he isn't insulting someone.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
he just needs a little Bear Grease

gfejunkie's Avatar
Is that the best you got, timytard?

I think it has become his trademark for so long he would now refuse to ever change it.

It seems it has been that way for years. It gives yhe cartoonist something to hone in on. Through the years, it has been LBJ's ears, Nixon's nose, Carter's grin, Reagan's wrinkles, Obama's ears to name a few.

The hair could be another way of him saying, "fuck you, deal with it".
Budman's Avatar
He doubles as a wind sock when he isn't insulting someone. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

That's fucking funny.
chefnerd's Avatar
It's not really his hair. It's actually a dead Pomeranian stapled to his forehead. Luckily for him PETA hasn't gotten on his case yet.
Is that the best you got, timytard?

Pathetic. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
I've got way more than you can fucking handle and you know it. Back to the shallow end of the pool half-wit.
it's a beaver pelt. he takes a little from each victim... err willing participant that he beds.
Still one of Letterman's best routines:


southtown4488's Avatar
his hair is fake just like his public persona
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's a large merkin.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Never mind the hair.....

Who picked out the fairy tie?

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 08-27-2015, 03:29 AM
I've got way more than you can fucking handle and you know it. Back to the shallow end of the pool half-wit. Originally Posted by timpage
The only thing you handle are the cocks in and out of your mouth, and ass. You FAGGOT COCKSUCKER. LMMFAO
  • anita
  • 08-27-2015, 03:50 AM
He obviously doesn't care, or he would have fixed it by now.

This meme made me laugh though.