What I want From The Biden-Harris presidency

ICU 812's Avatar
We will likely have a national government dominated or controlled entirely by liberal Democrarts in the Executive Legislative and judicial branches going forward. That is the way it seems this morning.

What do I expect? What is the Lemonade-from-lemons I look for as a conversive hobbyist?

IOut-right legalization of the Hobby along the lines of Europe or
Canada would be nice. Decriminalization would be an acceptable Plan-B.

Start calling your Representatives and Senators now!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I could get behind that.

Amazing how were able to discuss this here, but not other similar issues.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Biden's not going to do anything like that.
rexdutchman's Avatar
IOut-right legalization of the Hobby along the lines of Europe or
Canada would be nice. Decriminalization would be an acceptable Plan-B.

I wish BUT NEVER gonna happen for fucks sake she tried to put parents in jail when there kids were sick at home Think about it
Yssup Rider's Avatar
IOut-right legalization of the Hobby along the lines of Europe or
Canada would be nice. Decriminalization would be an acceptable Plan-B.

I wish BUT NEVER gonna happen for fucks sake she tried to put parents in jail when there kids were sick at home Think about it Originally Posted by rexdutchman
The fuck you talking about?
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
I disagree, the hobby should never be legalized here in The States.

Have a great day!
bambino's Avatar
I disagree, the hobby should never be legalized here in The States.

Have a great day! Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
It would probably be bad for the independent hookers. Big business always eat the little fishes.
I agree with this assessment. This may be a rare window of opportunity to legalize what Christians have long condemned and termed a "vice". It wasn't that difficult for Trump to convince Christians that their opposition to adultery and divorce were irrelevant. So maybe Christians can be easily convinced to reverse their views on prostitution. Unfortunately, as long as it's illegal, our society will have a hard time learning how prevalent prostitution already is, and why it is, essentially, or can be, a victimless crime. If it were legalized, would the Nevada model be followed? Or what?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-12-2020, 10:24 AM
Never gonna happen.
adav8s28's Avatar
I disagree, the hobby should never be legalized here in The States.

Have a great day! Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
The hobby is legal in seven counties of Nevada. In the other 49 states the client is paying for "Time".
winn dixie's Avatar
I could get behind that.

Amazing how were able to discuss this here, but not other similar issues. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What OTHER issues you talkin bout willis?
adav8s28's Avatar
We will likely have a national government dominated or controlled entirely by liberal Democrarts in the Executive Legislative and judicial branches going forward. That is the way it seems this morning.

What do I expect? What is the Lemonade-from-lemons I look for as a conversive hobbyist?

IOut-right legalization of the Hobby along the lines of Europe or
Canada would be nice. Decriminalization would be an acceptable Plan-B.

Start calling your Representatives and Senators now! Originally Posted by ICU 812
There won't be any changes regarding the hobby. So, make sure you screen or move to one of seven legal counties in Nevada.

Biden/Harris plan to implement the following.

The corporate tax rate will go from 20% to 28%.

The tax rate for incomes greater than $400,000 will go from 36% to 39.5% (The same percentage B. Clinton had it at)

Group health insurance from the employer and the ACA (Obamacare) will stay. Will try to add on a public option as an ACA choice. No single payer system, until you reach age 65 (Medicare).

Minimum wage goes to $15.00 per hour.

Police reform but not defunding.

No fracking/drilling on federal land.
bambino's Avatar
I’m sure we’ll get lots of laughs from Biden. As long as he lasts. Harris will be a disaster.
adav8s28's Avatar
I’m sure we’ll get lots of laughs from Biden. As long as he lasts. Harris will be a disaster. Originally Posted by bambino
Obama/Biden cleaned up the mess that Bush43 and Dick Cheney left behind. Biden/Harris will clean up the mess the that Trump and Pence are leaving behind, twenty million out of work, 50 million infected and 295,000 deaths due to CV19. No, it did not go away like magic. Trump must go and he is going home. The Supreme Court said so.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
The hobby is legal in seven counties of Nevada. In the other 49 states the client is paying for "Time". Originally Posted by adav8s28
You got my gist smarty pants

Needs to remain Illegal for many reasons. I have furbabies to save with this hobby now because, Dog Lives Matter

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