Need a pussy? (Cat that is)

Last November I took in a sweet 8 year old female cat to save her from being euthanized. I had hoped that she would get along well with my cat Sam, since both Linda Lou (that's her name), and Sam had been raised with other cats.

Unfortunately, this has not been the case. She is as sweet as can be, is very affectionate toward me, and toward, well, everyone who comes to my home. Sadly though, she and Sam fight constantly. I gave it a few months hoping they would acclimate to each other, but no such luck. On Christmas Day, while I spent the day in Topeka with family, she and Sam tore each other up. As many of you know, I am moving to North Carolina at the end of this month, and it is simply not at all feasible to even consider moving both of them. THat would mean putting two cats who hate each into a single cat carrier for a 20 hour drive.

She needs an environment without other pets. What can I say? She is a diva at heart. Since January, I have been trying to find a suitable placement for her. I reached out to Wayside Waifs, since they are a no kill shelter, but they declined to take her. They felt her aggression, and the fact that she is solid black make her a poor prospect for adoption. I have asked family and friends, but have had no luck there either. I loathe the idea of just throwing out an ad on Craigslist, for fear of who/what might claim her, and I absolutely won't send her back to the Humane Society who would almost certainly euthanize her.

She is 8 years old, solid black, beautiful green eyes. She is spayed, her vaccinations are all current, and she has tested negative for FIV (feline equivalent of HIV), as well as feline leukemia. She is perfectly healthy, all she needs is someone to love her and treat her like the diva she is at heart. She has all her claws and before I took her, she was an indoor/outdoor cat.

I have exhausted just about every option, which is why I am posting here. It would relieve alot of the stress I am under as I get ready to move if I knew that I have found a loving home for her to go to.

Anyone who is interested in a sweet baby girl please PM me. Thanks.
I have alot of cat related stuff, if anyone is new to owning a cat.
Its $100 for all the stuff, a coworker might buy some of it within a few days, so the price will be adjusted.
2-3 pet carriers
2-3 litter boxes
half pale of clumping litter
30+lbs of non clay premium litter
gift card for pet store
toys and what ever cat related stuff.