shitty opions

I thought this was an open forum. there for we all in tiled to our own options . so why slam savannah about her perceived shitty opions
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Although sometimes folks that are considered trolls turn out to not be, or reform themselves, it is more frequent that trolls are trolls who simply ignore boundaries of the board guidelines, and also ignore basic common decency.
Perhaps a troll hunting posse could be drafted.
JRLawrence's Avatar
I thought this was an open forum. there for we all in tiled to our own options . so why slam savannah about her perceived shitty opions Originally Posted by 728869
Do you mean opinion?

Opinions are like noises or assholes, some smell and some stink, but everyone has them.

^^^ Thank you JR! I almost went there.
algrace's Avatar
I was nearly sure a certain poppy-derivative opium was off limits, so that left me with the options of opinions or onions.

Several can attest to her passion and strongly held beliefs as expressed on the boards. Hang in there Savannah and her knights...this, too, shall pass.