
Insomnia. ... how do you deal with it? Your cure?
Needy1's Avatar
I make the best of it until I collapse
JRLawrence's Avatar
Insomnia. ... how do you deal with it? Your cure? Originally Posted by winslow44
Seriously, eliminate the nightcap before going to bed. Alcohol interferes with REM sleep. Thus, you will have a deeper sleep and arise more rested.

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Insomnia. ... how do you deal with it? Your cure? Originally Posted by winslow44
A prescription of one of the eccie gals.
DallasRain's Avatar
Aleve pm...and a cup of hot chocolate
I just listen to some relaxing music & close my eyes

Insomnia. ... how do you deal with it? Your cure? Originally Posted by winslow44
I have suffered from this for 5 yrs. Few suggestions. Get off the computer a few hours before you want to sleep so your mind can slow down. Don't drink a lot of liquids in the evening so you don't wake up to piss. Take all the clocks out of your room. Waking up and seeing what time it is and computing how much time you have left to sleep before you have to get up makes it impossible to go back to sleep. If you can, do not nap during the day. Do not try to make your room pitch black, natural light in the morning helps your body clock sync with the day. Do not lay in bed if you can't sleep. After 15 minutes trying to go back to sleep, get up and sit in a chair and watch the tube for a while and try again. Sorry for the book, but I have tried everything short of sleeping pills. The nighttime meds may help, but they make me feel just as tired in the morning as if I hadn't slept. good luck it is a total bitch to be exhausted everyday
DallasRain's Avatar
my southern daddy used to eat cornbread soaked in buttermilk every nite before bedtime....he says it made him sleep soundly!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I'm going to modify my above prescription:
Hot chocolate with marshmallows, or alcohol, along with one of the ECCIE gals.
The alcohol version worked well for me last week.
Im sleepy already
I have suffered from this for 5 yrs. Few suggestions. Get off the computer a few hours before you want to sleep so your mind can slow down. Don't drink a lot of liquids in the evening so you don't wake up to piss. Take all the clocks out of your room. Waking up and seeing what time it is and computing how much time you have left to sleep before you have to get up makes it impossible to go back to sleep. If you can, do not nap during the day. Do not try to make your room pitch black, natural light in the morning helps your body clock sync with the day. Do not lay in bed if you can't sleep. After 15 minutes trying to go back to sleep, get up and sit in a chair and watch the tube for a while and try again. Sorry for the book, but I have tried everything short of sleeping pills. The nighttime meds may help, but they make me feel just as tired in the morning as if I hadn't slept. good luck it is a total bitch to be exhausted everyday Originally Posted by Mizzou82
dumars's Avatar
I have trouble sleeping too. Tried my doctor twice, he and she prescribed some weak anti-depressants. Ended up sleeping, off and on, for 30 hours at a stretch or making it worse. Would've never been able to work during that time.

For me, the best legal approach, is to take a walk 'bout an hour or so before going to bed. Fatigue works good most of the time. Problem is you'll get in shape, therefore have to walk further and further.

The best is the side effects of Viagra with the appropriate physical activities. For me, it would take an apologetic drive by and that's probably not going to happen.

I basically deal with it and make absolutely sure I don't nap or anything and keep my fingers and toes crossed.
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
A while back I would have laughed at the suggestion iam about to make.

There is a phone app called Sleep Hypno. I put in my earbuds and usually it will have me dozing off.
dumars's Avatar
I put in my earbuds and usually it will have me dozing off. Originally Posted by BigMikeinKC
I can see headlines now, "Man Strangulates Self with Earbuds While Sleeping"! Blue Tooth might work. I've known a very few people who actually sleep on their back where your idea might work but most of us do the pre natal thing, going left and right all night.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
I suffer from insomnia. Medically diagnosed Insomnia, have them check your blood serotonin, mine came back zero which means you don't get tired cause your body does not make meletonin, no meletonin no sleep.. They went further and did a DNA test on me and I have double negative MTHFR mutation which means i'm screwed. lol
The doctors put me on a med temazepam 30mg used only for insomnia and it does knock you out. But since finding the mutation they have put me on one simple vitamin and believe it or not it changed my whole life. Don't give up and push the dr's until they find out what is causing it.
Good luck
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
..... Don't give up and push the dr's until they find out what is causing it.... Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y
Ignoring my above prescriptions;
And as my Lady Y mentions: Always push the Doc's.
They are very busy as a normal thing, thus, you must ask for answers to specific questions, and, ask follow-up questions.
Without going into details, I went after my Ex's specialist once, and he came back with a decent answer after a few months of his nurse handing out bs.