How woeful is the news....

KristenDiAngelo's Avatar
Sometimes I can't believe how much time I've spent focusing on those things I can't change. Every news channel seems to have and endless stream of strife and hardship. I sometimes wonderful if we as a culture don't get too bogged down in events that we can't change, and too little time focusing on those things we can. Today the news is something....Iran warships in the Suez Canal, Libyan government in turmoil, Four Americans killed my Somalian pirates, Earthquakes in New Zealand. Oh, and not to mention the local news, the Dow dropping, Ohio and Wisconsin - Collective Bargaining or Not...that is the question....

So today I got still, and made a decision, to focus on those things I can smarter, enjoy life more, and take the time to really pay attention to all those I come in contact with. I can read, listen and opinion-ate all day, but in the end there's nothing I can do about it. I am tired of feeling helpless about world events, and I surely don't want to become jaded or callous as the world is a bit rough today. I don't know about you, but in times like this I seem to reset my priorities. To remember what is important to me. With that said, for me, it's you...because I guess in the end, all you have is your experiences...your life....and those people in it.

How do you handle the stress of this chaotic environment? I could use some ideas, as I seem to internalize it do some degree......
London Rayne's Avatar
The Serenity Prayer pretty much sums it up. There are things we can't do anything the actions of others. Then there are things we can do something we react to the things that bother us, which in turn causes us to change. I have found the easiest thing to do in my personal relationships is to focus more on what "I" can do, than what he/she can do for me.

It also takes wisdom to realize you can't change everything you would like to. Frustration usually occurs when people feel they have no control over things going on around them, and that's the time to put your faith in something else bigger than you. It is different for everyone.

I don't like watching the news much because like you said, it's always doom and gloom. If an environment gets too chaotic, I simply fade slowly from it. Some run to meds, alcohol, drugs, friends, and I run to ONE thing...I will refrain from saying.

I do on purpose to do nice things for others at the worst times in my life, and it makes my own problems seem so insignificant seeing what others have to deal with. I am not one to feel sorry for myself because I know that I am the only one who can change the things that I don't like. Spend a few days a week at a cancer research hospital for children, and you won't feel so bad about anything going on in your own life...I can promise you that.
The extended Serenity Prayer:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace; Taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world As it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that You will make all things right If I surrender to Your Will; So that I may be reasonably happy in this life And supremely happy with You forever in the next. Amen
This may include Random Acts of Kindness.

But in the end, you can probably only affect some of those things that are close to you. Your family, close friends. Or find a cause, and throw yourself into it.

Or find a cause you can be a part of. And although you don't see the results, you know your actions are having results. Here are some I am aware of:

There are more that you can find. If you are religious, most religions support social service type programs abroad or here at home. Ask you priest/pastor/rabbi/imam.

The point is, you can do good by yourself, and you will never know how far your influence goes. With any luck, someone will give you a small amount of feedback.
Wakeup's Avatar
I get dressed up, get on a plane to foreign countries, and go shoot stuff...all on the Army's dime too...
London Rayne's Avatar
I get dressed up, get on a plane to foreign countries, and go shoot stuff...all on the Army's dime too... Originally Posted by Wakeuр

Or this.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I don't believe in doing nice things for people and expecting a reward of some sort. When I do something nice for someone I do it from the bottom of my heart. When I want to get away from everything I simply go to the the beach, relax and read a good book. I believe in the law of cause and effect than anything. If you do this .. this will happen. That is how I live my life. I don't like the news so I don't watch it. I don't like negative things in my life and I do not like negative people.

It has been depressing lately but there's always sunshine at the end of the tunnel. Take a break from work, turn of your cell phone, spend time with family and friends or take a vacation.. That's what I'd do.
London Rayne's Avatar
I don't believe in doing nice things for people and expecting a reward of some sort. When I do something nice for someone I do it from the bottom of my heart. When I want to get away from everything I simply go to the the beach, relax and read a good book. I believe in the law of cause and effect than anything. If you do this .. this will happen. That is how I live my life. I don't like the news so I don't watch it. I don't like negative things in my life and I do not like negative people.

It has been depressing lately but there's always sunshine at the end of the tunnel. Take a break from work, turn of your cell phone, spend time with family and friends or take a vacation.. That's what I'd do. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Well said.