
tornado82's Avatar
Ever been pranked by a provider or client or had one prank you?

I've seen some YouTube vids where some guys in Vegas pranked some providers. I wonder how they felt when they found out those guys didn't really want their services.
^^ How dumb is this question...?? lol Aren't we all adults here??
1 thing I don't play about is my money...And pranking someone is childish..
How old are you tornado?
Easiest way to get yourself black listed and your very own thread in the powder room I bet.
  • 1+1
  • 10-23-2016, 11:04 PM
Man is on a mission to get his self seriously hurt.Run into a girl that has a pimp,sugard*ddy, or Driver and they will make you think twice >before< you ever pull that stunt.Before you start getting mouthy with your ego >if< that is your next step, then consider the hypothetical consequences you started.The thought process you spew shows little respect for the escorts time or money she earns for her family.Who in their right mind would come up with an ignorant prank.
tornado82's Avatar
This thread is only for entertainment purposes. I'm in no way implying that I want to prank a provider. Besides, these people here in the South probably don't take pranks very well.

How old are you tornado? Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
certainly not 82 😁

I've seen some YouTube vids Originally Posted by tornado82
Imagining these things i guess
is fine, as long as you don't try to act them out
but you really should
get off youtube