Why? WHY?! (Driving in the rain in DFW)

I'm a transplant that's been here the better part of a decade and a half. Where I lived previously there was no issue with clay soil and water collecting on the roadway but I found out REAL FAST it's an issue here, and forever leaving my ass imprints in the seat of my old car from scrunching.

Today I'm driving and I see people STILL driving in the far right hand lane that's at least half covered with water! I have to assume that most of these folks have been here long enough to know better but still they persist! I can't even imagine that some of these folks are Native Texans to boot!

According to my rain gauge we've already gotten about 2.1" since this started so flooding, roads and otherwise is going to be an issue. Stay safe folks more is on the way!
  • hd
  • 06-17-2015, 11:56 AM
Same thing as these fucks that think they can stop on a dime when on ice
pyramider's Avatar
Stupid is as stupid does.
bojulay's Avatar
You should be in San Antonio driving when the roads
were iced over, those people were driving like they
had landed on the moon or something.
Same thing as these fucks that think they can stop on a dime when on ice Originally Posted by hd
I can't keep the snow storms straight anymore, but I had a group of us with me driving for Christmas and I had stopped on a downward slopping hill at a red light I could see the car coming over the hill behind me wasn't slowing down and the light wasn't turning red. I told everyone to brace we're about to get ass fucked. Luckily they got over into another lane and completely slid through the intersection and ran a red light. All without hitting anyone. A damned miracle.

You should be in San Antonio driving when the roads
were iced over, those people were driving like they
had landed on the moon or something. Originally Posted by bojulay
I can't imagine how rare that is down yonder. When I was in the Allen/Plano area I couldn't believe how many huge SUVs were in the ditch. 4x4 doesn't mean you can drive faster on ice. My little FWD car was just fine. Though I would have loved to had my old Scout II.
doug_dfw's Avatar
Been here a decade. Still can't figure out the driving skills - not sure if it's Texans or newbies.

Tail gate. Slow down at bridges. Stop to look at a cop issuing a ticket. Gun the motor on ice. Run into water at full speed. Stop in the lane when rain or hail over-rides wipers. Drive in left lane below speed limit. Slow down at a hill on freeway. Slow down down hill on a freeway. My God, can anyone explain the thinking???
Don't get me started on traffic circles....
DallasRain's Avatar
lol Bolt---I remember many a late night in bend Oregon driving home and as I was winding thru the mountainside to my house,there were so many traffic circles I started getting dizzy!!!

as for rain..it has rained so much in Texas and the midwest,I was starting to look for an ark!