Considering everything-HERE is what i know..interesting?

Probably not interesting..but just a few random observations

I signed into eccie to find what yet again?.. yep more BP riff raff being drug on on over.. more BP drama making its way and dragging down a quality site, and more importantly what could be a quality forum.

Keep in mind--being a "verified provider" here or perhaps anywhere does NOT carry the same weight it once did. Considering how frequently providers are allowed to change their names especially after being busted being "verified" means absolutely freaking nothing at this point.. especially in regards to avoiding LE.

Remember the days when you could hobby at will..whenever you wanted, wherever you wanted, people trusted each other, there wasn't bullshit drama being brought over from "psuedo pro's" from BP thinking having the tag of verified makes them suddenly above where they just came from and what they brought with them.

Remember the days when providers while we would disagree, we knew we could trust each other and didn't see mindless SUPER UNIMPORTANT bullshit "alerts", bullshit "hey look at me" threads and the boards were actually used for what they were intended..

which was.. to give a place for ladies to advertise..more importantly to give guys a place to make wise decisions and review the services of said ladies.. a place where COED discussions..and actual semi intelligent ones were carried on.. not the "hey this girl on BP said this about me".... or the "im gonna be away awhile coed threads".. or the dreaded "hey im here just not posting ads, but this is actually an ad, but its a dicussion, look at me, and ya me and this girl are friends" POST.. ya those are great..

Remember when you didn't have to watch your damn back so damn much just to get or give some pussy !!

Remember when hot springs was suppose to be the safe haven? yet now drama seems to be dragging up in HS.. which will eventually lead to some crazy ass getting so pissed she tries to get back at someone which gets that girl busted which in turn puts us all at risk in yet another central arkansas city.

a city which by the way.. I tried to keep Big C updated on since i am privy to some helpful knowledge from time to tim.. a city that I have been warning is "hotter" than many think..

In the end.. I am sure this thread will either die a pityful death..or have some dialog about how i am bitter and get over it and things move on..

quite the contrary.. not bitter at all.. just sickening to see a place with good potential be wasted on bullshit.. to see a forum and a state that use to be a good hobby place be steadily brought down by corrupt providers and hobbyiest alike(not board related but as a result of being popped)..

Its sad to see people get to "re-invent" themselves as often as people change their damn underwear with new names, new "im a pro now cuz im verified" attitudes..its pathetic that the men of this community allow the girls to be this change names, to be sketchy, to be this "I tYpE LiKe tHiS" cuz im cool and it draws attention to me type crap. Just a few years back so many girls would have already been ran out of town, off the board, not able to come back under new names and numbers...not able to make a living off this board or ones like it..

Its sad that i make this post.. to many i am "out of the hobby" a bitch, im this or i'm that.. fact is.. my pm box is full of people in arkansas wanting to see me.. its unfortunate for them I am not willing to risk providing to what is probably some great hobbyiest due to all the drama that the arkansas hobby scene has become..

I don't yearn for the days of the past.. I simply wish the bullshit could stop, the personal problems and issues could be checked at the fucking door and this board could get back to about fun times, reviewing fun times, semi intelligent coed discussions, alerts that are alert worthy..BP riff raff finding a new place to play and let the hobbyest get what they deserve.. quality service from quality girls and the more experienced hobbyiest teachign soem of these young bucks that they don't have to put up with the "bullshit" to have a good time.. and perhaps that bullshit is in part me..

oh well.. we will see..BP PEOPLE..oppps i mean eccie members..carry on
  • MrGiz
  • 10-07-2010, 07:25 PM
I Hear Ya, Dee.... but I can guarantee you that many will simply dismiss your post as nothing more than drivel from a Bitter Ole Bitch! Those folks don't have a phucking clue as to what you're trying to say!!

BUT.... I feel that all is not lost!

Fortunately.... I think it's time to pull back , pay attention , observe , sift through the offerings , and quietly make the best quality choices we can, for fun!! There is still a pretty good amount of quality pussy available for hire in Arkansas.... I think it's still fairly easy to enjoy a hell of a good time.... ya just can't take everything for granted, in the Good Ole Care Free way we used to enjoy!!

I've cum close.... but I haven't given up..... even though I haven't been playing as much locally, as I used to.... I plan to begin again, to reward myself with the quality that's left. It's out there.... in all shapes , sizes , and colors.... I firmly believe it!!

Hiney2do's Avatar
+1 DeAnna
Things will always change....change is not always for the better
I appreciate the kind words..I haven't given up on the community..i just tend to my own basically and leave it at that.. its still just very discouraging..

I do want to add..

#1. In a community that abides by the theory that we have to have "trust".. you can only trust what you know to be facts.. And many quality girls spend a long time to build a "name" or a "brand".. good reviews, consistent reviews, same name, no personal drama brought to an enviroment that is ment to be a place for guys to escape it...

How can you have trust or build trust when you have people hiding from a past by name changes, number changes.. how can you have GOOD INFO being exchanged when girls are allowed after being deemed flaky, and being in and out of the biz..poor reviews they get to change their name for some "excuse" and move on seemingly as if thats NOT THEM.. any mention of that is usually met with harsh words.

Why is it fair for someone to get in trouble, have provided sketchy service whether recently or a year ago..get to change their name, escape it all and never have to mention who they once were..

its a complete and utter disservice and completely breaks down the very essence of this site..which is honest, accurate info being exchanged.. i'm sorry clients have the right to know who use to be who..or atleast what that lady may be dragging behind her.. i.e LE

#2 Fact--a provider can't determine who is legit and who isn't..just cuz provider A stamps Provider B with approval doesn't mean squat.

#3. The process of reputable hobbyiest making reputable providers has completing broken down considering
A. newer hobbyiest are reviewing and posting in a way as to not piss off the pussy and attempt to get in good graces, thus down grading the info
B. Newer hobbyiest don't get a good clue of what is "good" and what is "bad".. they don't realize that Motel 6 and cheap ass hotels aren't the norm and that the hobbyiest is in fact NOT THERE to be a crutch for the lady and her personal problems
C. With riff raff "psuedo pro" providers coming off BP and other to come the clients that don't have a clue how good things can be if they just adjust..start expecting more out of their girls, dates and money spent.

In the end.. Im glad some guys chimed in.. and see where I am coming from so far... if more strong willed hobbyiest stepped up, made their presence a spade a spade and hold fellow hobbyiest accountable for sometimes being paid pussy whipped, and hold flaky providers accountable and not let them bring their personal problems to the board..

if providers would start realizing that while there is a certain "section" of hobbyiest that thrive off of being in a providers business and being that white knight.. realize that hobbyiest want to escape the bullshit with their money.. its about p4p..nothing more nothing less.. you will talk, you will will go your seperate ways.. the mindless high schoolish "look what was said about me on this site" crap has got to go.. get back to working more..making this board HOBBY RELATED..and leave the drama in the pit of your stomach and share it with your freaking therapist, SO, dog, cat, or the freakin wall..but don't bring it here
I'm really tired of hearing how inferior and riff-rafty you think current or former BP/CL girls are. Origins don't dictate quality...the individual does. Making mistakes is human...trouble doesn't gravitate to one individual over another with distinction. We all have bad luck sometimes. Misfortune could just as easily come your way. And misfortune has come from many places other than BP/CL. I believe the last round was from P411.

Stop beating around the bush. Name names. BP/CL girls? Really? That's more than half of us here. Some may not post there any longer...many once did...and many still do. Myself, Lily, Dreams, Sydney, Susan, Ali, Alexis, Madelyn, Syn, Alisha, even Babee... I could keep rattling off names, but what's the point? You're no better than any of us. And whether you like it or not, we are here. We have just as much right to be here as you do.

This horse is so dead, it's in a bottle labeled Elmer's.
thought again..its best I just leave it alone
Kamanawanaleiu's Avatar
You don't have to name names , they often step up and speak for themselves. Maybe it is Rocket Science!

It has actually always bothered me when hobbyiests would say "well I didn't want to put up a review because I didn't have anything good to say and I don't wanna hurt her business." Theres really very little chance of a girl's service improving if no one critiques it. Just my ¥2.
Hobbyist Meaning and Definition from WordNet (r) 2.0
hobbyist n : a person who pursues an activity in their spare time for pleasure
See more meaning on Hobbyist...
Wikipedia Meaning and Definition on 'Hobbyist' (accessed: July 12, 2007).</ref>

Hobbies are practiced for interest and enjoyment, rather than financial reward. Examples include collecting, creative and artistic pursuits, making, tinkering, sports and adult education. Engaging in a hobby can lead to acquiring substantial skill, knowledge and experience. However, personal fulfillment is the aim.

What are hobbies for some people are professions for others: a chef may enjoy playing computer games as a hobby, while a professional game tester might enjoy cooking. Generally speaking, the person who does something for fun, not remuneration, is called an amateur (or hobbyist), as distinct from a professional.

An important determinant of what is considered a hobby, as distinct from a profession (beyond the lack of remuneration), is probably how easy it is to make a living at the activity. Almost no one can make a living at cigarette card or stamp collecting, but many people find it enjoyable; so it is commonly regarded as a hobby.

[See more about Hobbyist at Dictionary 3.0 Encyclopedia]
  • sadie
  • 10-08-2010, 09:17 AM
DeAnna, I understand what you are trying to point out. Unfortunately those that are new will not have any comparsion to go by to see the change.

It's like used to be a fun,relaxing place to one has to worry about being kidnapped for randsom by drug lords.
In the past I enjoyed chiming in on intelligent co-ed banter. Those threads are far and few between now a day's.

It is everyone's loss that the enviroment has hit this low.
Kamanawanaleiu's Avatar
.... Myself, Lily, Dreams, Sydney, Susan, Ali, Alexis, Madelyn, Syn, Alisha, even Babee... I could keep rattling off names, but what's the point?..... Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Staff edit -revealing personal info not permitted

Most of those names are now , proven girls , but at least a couple of them are MAN HATERS , who shouldn't be in the hobby, anyway.

Does it have anything to do with CL or BP? No , probably not. It has more to do with their own personal responsibility.

DeAnna, I too understand and agree with what you are saying!!! However, those that don't have either decided not get it or they simply never will. This is the reason that I have decided to pretty much avoid the local Hobby Scene at the present's simply not safe
It has actually always bothered me when hobbyiests would say "well I didn't want to put up a review because I didn't have anything good to say and I don't wanna hurt her business." Theres really very little chance of a girl's service improving if no one critiques it. Just my ¥2. Originally Posted by Blond_Lily

So very true, Lily.

...but at least a couple of them are MAN HATERS , who shouldn't be in the hobby, anyway... Originally Posted by Kamanawanaleiu
Wow, that's a pretty harsh statement. You really shouldn't be throwing around unfounded accusations...Even as general as you've tried to make it. Care to elaborate? I'm assuming you have some sort of proof to back that nonsense up.