Default Just to Piss Everyone off, or Make Everyone Happy

Rossboss's Avatar
Republicans Control Congress. Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews are beside themselves. Harry Reid gets a new office assignment. ;-)
This is Texas, so most of us will be happy.
As a Small Business owner. Very happy. My Hobby funds will grow even more to trickle down to the girls I disappoint.
Trickle down economics?
ck1942's Avatar
Yeah trickle down... her thigh, your thigh, etc.

Truth of the matter.... NATIONAL stuff won't have much if any immediate effect on the states. unless MAYBE some agencies regulations and over-applications of those regulations eases up.

"Congressional oversight" is already tedious and the bureaucrats are in the Executive Branch, meaning few if any changes will be felt except maybe at the most senior (Cabinet and immediately below) levels where those officials can see the handwriting on the wall and start bailing out. Their jobs end in January 2017 anyway, no matter who gets elected Rep. or Dem. as the new President will pick his or her own team players. And, folks in the SES (senior executive service) already know about "revolving doors."

Perhaps the biggest changes due in Congress next year, will be the flip/flops as the GOP gets the majority committee chairs -- and staffs. So we'll see a bunch of Dem. staffers out on the job trail.

Overall, this mid-term election was just a start.

imho the biggest loser is Hillary -- she proved useless on the campaign trail as most of the candidates she supported failed to overcome the tidal rush. Can she survive on sheer wheel and the "Clinton Machine" -- sure, until the Dems realize she might just be a liability depending on who the Repubs figure out their own potential winner(s)?

Meanwhile, the biggest change we will see in Bexar County will be in the application of Mr. LaHood's efforts to swing the District Attorney's office to a more (fill in the blank) operation. Presumably since the County Judge is a Dem, and the commissioners are who set the DA's budget, who knows what happens in the DA's office.
Precious_b's Avatar
I tell you, I nearly didn't vote.

It just seemed it would be a cacophony of screwed up mind games.

But I did. Gives me the right to bitch.
Exithere's Avatar
I tell you, I nearly didn't vote.

But I did. Gives me the right to bitch. Originally Posted by Precious_b

Same here, I don't have any expectations that anything significant will change, they all seem to be mostly interested in only one thing..... keeping their position.
This past month I served on a Jury and Voted.

These are two benefits of living in our country. We may cringe and hide when the jury summons comes or may piss & moan when it comes to voting when you can't decide or you just don't like any of the prospects. However, these are 2 things as American Citizens (yes CITIZENS) we take for granted and should be honored to have. I would hope that if I am ever on the other side of the jury box, there will be 6 or 12 men & women there to do the civic duty for me as well. Unless it's a trail from a prostitution sting operation I unfortunately get caught up in. No need for that shit.

I wont go into the trial but it was a mess.

As for Voting. I have voted in all fashions. Democrat, Republican, Tea Party, Independent, and Write In. I am glad how I voted each time based on each voting cycle and what was happening in my life and the country at the time.
Gives me the right to bitch. Originally Posted by Precious_b
I voted to get that DA bitch out of office, is that what you mean Pb? She needed to go...
TxTo's Avatar
  • TxTo
  • 11-08-2014, 05:13 AM
I voted to get that DA bitch out of office, is that what you mean Pb? She needed to go... Originally Posted by TomSlick46
You do understand that LaHood essentially bought that office, right? A seven figure donation from a Corpus attorney enabled him to do so. He may turn out to be ok, but it will be interesting to see if the convicted drug dealer turned DA ends up engaging in quid pro quo to "pay back" his benefactor.
I voted and did a Greek appointment! Lol
Precious_b's Avatar
I voted to get that DA bitch out of office, is that what you mean Pb? She needed to go... Originally Posted by TomSlick46
Bitch about people in office in general. Can't stand it when those that don't vote gripe.
pyramider's Avatar
I voted and did a Greek appointment! Lol Originally Posted by bonn11

So did you take it in the ass like the rest of us do from our elected officials?
greenhorn1960's Avatar
I voted to get that DA bitch out of office, is that what you mean Pb? She needed to go... Originally Posted by TomSlick46
Too voted to get that bitch out of office. But he was the only dumbocrat I voted for. But, for a reformed, armed ecstasy drug dealer he will still be better than that bitch.

Now I can't help but wonder what motivated an injury attorney to donate 1.2 million dollars. But he must have lots of money to burn, I hear his ads all the time on the radio.
greenhorn1960's Avatar
You do understand that LaHood essentially bought that office, right? A seven figure donation from a Corpus attorney enabled him to do so. He may turn out to be ok, but it will be interesting to see if the convicted drug dealer turned DA ends up engaging in quid pro quo to "pay back" his benefactor. Originally Posted by TxTo
That other guy did. But why? He's an injury lawyer. His law firm will never represent a criminal defendant.

So what's the motivation? He hated that bitch for some reason. I wish I knew why.