Mitch McConnell FINALLY goes away

Mitch McConnell has done more harm to this country than any other politician not named trump. A bigger hypocrite on this earth, you'd be hard pressed to find. "Good riddance" doesn't even begin to cover it.

Eat shit and go fuck yourself, Mitch
bambino's Avatar
Oh, Mitch is a deep state scumbag. There’s really no difference between him and Schumer. They work for the same people. And it ain’t we the people. Deep Staters are dropping like Flies!!!!! AMF.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The second most senile man in Washington should quit altogether, not just a vacate leadership. He and Joe can move to The Villages, play shuffleboard and slobber in their tapioca.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 02-28-2024, 12:36 PM
Good riddance, I have far different reasons to enjoy seeing him gone than the OP, but to that, you should love him OP, he's been selling out our party to the left for nothing, and, you just don't see that.
bambino's Avatar
There are two factions within the GOP:

-Establishment Neocons

Establishment GOP are dropping like flies. Paul Ryan, John McCain, Ronna McDaniel, Nikki Haley, and now Mitch McConnell.

Neoconservatism is dead. MAGA is taking over.

America First is the future.
DNinja69's Avatar
The more we let Trump dictate how we think about others the less success the GOP will have moving forward. Not sad to see Mitch go but also not under any illusion the next person up will be any better
Jacuzzme's Avatar
You needed Trump to tell you McConnell is an empty suit? Most people get that about 2 seconds after his mouth opens.
bambino's Avatar
You needed Trump to tell you McConnell is an empty suit? Most people get that about 2 seconds after his mouth opens. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
He usually just freezes up now. His mouth is open but nothing comes out.
eyecu2's Avatar
The second most senile man in Washington should quit altogether, not just a vacate leadership. He and Joe can move to The Villages, play shuffleboard and slobber in their tapioca. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Jacuzzme- that's good. I had a little coffee spillage over here. Thank you.
eyecu2's Avatar
There are two factions within the GOP:

-Establishment Neocons

Neoconservatism is dead. MAGA is taking over.

America First is the future. Originally Posted by bambino
Gonna say I see what you are trying to insinuate, but I think the new NAZI party is not a winner OVERALL. The MAGA's are simply carrying torches and pitchforks, vs. doing any legislation. I understand the frustration, but that doesn't relate to wins on election day. Those will have to come from being able to demonstrate statesmenship, reaching across aisles etc. I just don't see how the "my way or the highway" technique has given many election wins.

In general, most MAGAs are riding off some of Trumps esoteric "hate the dems" & "own the libs" type of mentality. They passed almost NO legislation during their reign in the house. Even now they are literally tripping over each other to get nothing done.

Another example; during the SC primary speeches where Trump gaslites Tim Scott with "Nikki Must hate you!". - is sending a message to voters who are both independants and Dems. These are not people to have in office. They are here to offer more drama and hate than getting the work of the people done. If you're in politics for any other reason than that, you're in it for the wrong reasons, and wont get elected.

Don't believe me?- Ask Kari Lake!

Mitch is and has been needing to step down- MAGA is simply a cult of Trump- and will face incredible resistance in the general. I'd say the moderates will pick up a few seats, but those who are your dedicated true believers and in a race, are gonna be in for a rough November.