Something interesting

mssassy's Avatar
I ran across this recently and thought I would share . Mods I hope this is in the right spot if not I am sorry .

"Here it goes a few weeks ago two teenage boys came forward and filed complaints of the sexual nature against a well known choir director. This was just two turns out there have been hundreds (at least 200 hundred and counting) of young boys this man sexually assaulted. The town its school and its local le knew and hid it.(at least 30 years of it)

Now the problem I am having is that there is so many busts of the hobby going on and yet this man and many like him are being protected ,their crimes being swept underneath the rug for whatever reasons.

The sexual assault of a minor is a crime and it is one that has victims shouldnt le focus be on things like that instead of the hobby where for the most part there is no victims.?

Maybe Im wrong . Wouldnt le serve a better good to go after those who abuse children instead of doing what is politically correct and going after the hobby?

Just a thought process.

OPinions please
Caligula's Avatar
I find the story a little suspect. What is your source for this event, and what town are we talking about? Problem is, even if there was some conspiracy between school officials, town administrators, and local LE, there is no way it could keep a lid on over 200 alegations spanning a 30 year stretch. For one, the conspiracy would have to be multi-generational. Almost no one who knew about the abuse in the beginning or had some motive to cover it up would still be working three decades later. Second, agencies who are not beholden to this local network, like therapy providers and DHS would have gotten involved, and at some stage they would have contacted the state police.

Your heart is in the right place, but your facts seem improbable.
mssassy's Avatar
i will be pming you the details that I cant post here.The town is Monticello Ark the teacher in question Michael Binns. Ever lived in Monticello that town doesnt care it would rather cover something up then do something about it. MPD has a long history of it. This isnt the first occurance of MPD covering up , losing paperwork on a sexual assualt , or other crimes relating to children

Here are the facts and yes this was covered either on channel 7 or was it 11?

Mr Michael Binns former choir director of Monticello School District was charged with 2 counts of sexual assault of 2 young boys
There have been at least 200 victims come forward since it broke (and counting) some told , some didnt (the ones who told were told to be quiet, that they were making it up etc.)
MPD has a history of covering up child abuse, telling the victims to be quiet , etc as does the school district. This is not the first occurence of this . Mr Binns just made the news.
Binns targeted young men who were struggling with their sexual idenitiy and who were from either one of the orphanges, or from broken /divorced homes

You mentioned conspiracy its not that. Monticello just doesnt care.

I do apologize for not rereading what I typed and clarifying to make sure there were no misunderstandings.

I will be pming the rest of the details to you so you have the full story.

What heart? lol
MsSassy, would you pm me too? I went to Monticello Jr. High... and was one of his students. He never tried anything with me, but when I read your msg I felt a chill in my heart.
mssassy's Avatar
i will pm. its scary really scary. I was one of his students too. I just cant understand why the school and pd let him get by with it just dont get it at all