A humbling experience...

So, it seems as if my 2 year hiatus was detrimental to my provider career. I was once in very high demand and felt like I was on top of the world and I loved it!! However, since my return, things are NOT the same.

I had to make a decision when I left the hobby. I finally got a very good legit day job using my education and experience to make an "honest" living. I found that in order to do my job to the best of my abilities, I needed to concentrate on just that so hobbying was not conducive to that goal (late nights, long lunches for appointments, etc.). I also didn't feel I was being fair to the hobby by not being able to devote more time to my clients/friends.

Then, after all of that dedication to my day job, I fell victim to the economy and was down-sized I want to make it clear that I did not return to the hobby soley for financial reasons, as I truly missed so many of my hobby friends and the fun that I had, so I returned. Only to find that things have changed a lot, and so did the demand for my services.

I truly thought that I would be enthusiastically welcomed back and be wanted just as before. Boy, was I wrong!! There are several reasons that I think my services aren't requested as much:

**I have gained about 30 lbs. since my first days in the biz...but very well proportioned, I must say
**There are many new, young, very beautiful girls touring our neck of the woods.
**Rates have come way down due to saturation
**The economy!!

I have only one of the above to comment on, though, and that is the donation rates. What we do in this biz is give our most precious gift we have to offer to the fine gents in the hobby, and I happen to believe that my gift is worth every bit of my donation rate. I have offered special rates in an effort to "compete", but still feel it is unfair to those of us who truly believe in our worth. I still do a weekend rate, but is never less than $$.5. I don't understand how others can do what we do for less...but, hey, that's their business.

Please don't take this as a 'woe is me' posting because that's not my intention at all...just wanted to get this off my chest. I am still very confident and happy with myself. Just now I think I have had my "fifteen minutes"...LOL!! I am still sticking around and wish all you newer ladies the best of luck!!
Best of luck!
I feel like I should clarify part of what was said in my original thread. I did not intend to slam any other providers for their rates...especially those of you in AR!! The ones I noticed mostly were from other states. I merely meant to point out that our rates should be based on more than just what others are charging. Yes, there should be some comparing done, but at the end of the day I feel you shouldn't "sell yourself short". We are all worth WAY more than what we get, but realistically, we do have somewhat of a market standard...which is what I feel some out of state visitors are throwing quite a curve in. My apologies to any ladies I may have offended!!!
Best of luck! Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Thanks a bunch, charles, but this biz takes a lot more than luck!!
You didn't offened me, but while reading this it sounds like maybe you are upset with yourself? Maybe get back down to the weight you want to be at? Lower your rates if biz is not good with you asking ***? These are just helpful tips... nothing against you or anything. I know when I went from ** to **.5 i wondered if it would hurt any, naw... not a bit... but I feel like for me **.5 is comfortable. ( that leaves the guy some room to tip also ) I live nice with it and it comes easy, I have met so many nice gents and wanted to keep them all around, so for those that have known me since pretty much day one I grandfathered in... Maybe you should lower down to **.5? At the end of the day ask yourself... **.5 or none for the day, even ** / vs. none for the day! 9-5...8 hr paying job isn't gonna pay my bills and allow me to do the things I want to do. Just a little word from another lady...

* again, this is only an opnion babe. *
You are right, about the rate, and a little about the weight. But, I have agreed to keep with the going rate for my fellow NWA providers. One in particular is very good friend so I don't want to undercut her. If I didn't have that personal dilemma, I would still be at $$.5 and be very comfortable. Maybe I am too loyal, at my personal expense.

As for my weight gain, it is a constant struggle for me to lose it. I am still confident in myself, but would feel even better even 20 lbs less.

Thanks so much for your input sweety!!
Comparing the economy in Feb 2008 to Feb 2010, might explain alot. Things aren't looking a whole lot better for the future... so folks are holding on to their $$ tight.

You are top-shelf, no doubt, your reputation is well known.
Rates are not about what YOU are worth, they are what your services offered are worth..and those are only worth what customers..i.e clients are willing to pay for them. There is no hiding from that fact..we can spin it, we can sugar coat it, we can say what we want..if its to precious..it should be for sell..if it is for sell..then it can only be worth, what the majority of customers pay for it that allow a girl to live the lifestyle she seeks. I mean if a guy pays me 1 time $500 it doesn't mean my service is now worth that cuz 1 guy says it is.. its what the majority say it is.. customers the ones that pay..decide what a service is worth by chosing to pay that and see a girl.

Also keep in mind, that this is not meant to offend anyone.. but its like i try to tell anyone.. anytime someone is NEW..its called being a flavor of the month..that month may drag on 6 months or a year.. its called being a flash in the pan.. guys always like "new".. eventually the new wears off and then girls find themselves wondering what happened.. while the reviews are good, the wk's are plentiful, the phone doesn't stop ringing.. its what happens down the road, when business is slow and girls are left wondering what to change, how to seperate themselves from the pack that determines true success..

Its not about weight..big girls make plenty in arkansas.. always have, and even 30 lbs added you ain't a "big girl".. its not all about ecomony, since guys are still hobbying, traveling guys still need dates, money is still being spent.. unfortunately there is more competition, there is a need to be competitve in regards to rates, menu and experience.

You can't worry about "size" or weight.. its really a non factor.. many of the girls thinking they have the market wrapped up due to their "size" have no clue those same guys are seeing girls bigger, smaller, prettier and uglier than them..

Rates you can worry about.. its hard to claim a service is worth what no one or a limited number are willing to pay for it..

economy, we can't change

The biggest thing, is if your not confident, comfortable with yourself, and obviously your weight bothers you.. then its hard for guys to be confident and comfortable with you. while someone thinks they have it totally hidden, things like that shine thru.. be comfortable with your weight.. screw the ones that have a problem.. a girl should never ever do anything or feel bad about her appearance just cuz some guys on a whore board don't see her.. i'm fat, happy, and see plenty of people.... plenty of guys in arkansas(thanks guys).. and across the country (thanks texas), but if you truly are concerned about the business side..then you have to do what is best for you, not anyone else, and adjust whatever needs to be, undercut or not..to make a living.. hell my rate has always been 150.. for a helluva extensive menu.. i would much rather see 3 guys in 1 week at 150 equally $450 then see 1 guy in 1 week at $250.. if my goal is truly to make money.. if its to be broke and walk away saying "whew, glad i didn't have to fuck a guy for less money that i don't really wanna be with, i am better than that" then that can be accomplished to
Wow...well put!! And you are absolutely right...supply and demand. My weight is really not as big a deal as it may have seemed. There is more of me to love girl...I ain't lookin to be boney, EVER!! Just a little more toned is all.

Thanks again for your insight and elloquence DeAnna!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Wow...well put!! And you are absolutely right...supply and demand. My weight is really not as big a deal as it may have seemed. There is more of me to love girl...I ain't lookin to be boney, EVER!! Just a little more toned is all.

Thanks again for your insight and elloquence DeAnna! Originally Posted by ms. harley
Well, if your showcase pics are recent, I for one can't wait to make your acquaintance sometime.

Hang in there!


Bimboknocker's Avatar
I'm glad to see Deanna back. The last couple of times she posted, she erased them. I thought for a moment she had become shy. I take a marketing class at ASU Jonesboro and DeAnna said more in a couple of minutes, and I understood it, than that silly sob has in 2 months.
Well I appreciate the kind comments..

Being a provider is not difficult.. the difficult part is figuring out what it is about "you" that will make guys want to see you instead of someone else. Every girl has a pussy, ass, mouth.. some choose to use all of them, some just 2 of them, some allow this but not this..

so one option is always MENU.. be competitive in regards to "what i'm willing to do" for you the guy/customer/client to gain your business..obviously with regards to protection and safety.. but what niche can i fit into, to gain a guys business..

Rates- for the price savvy guys that are lookin for a deal, not a rate that makes a girl uncomfortable or leaving thinking "why did I do that", but a rate that says to a guy "hey come try me out, you won't empty your wallet but I promise a damn good bang for your buck". Guys appreciate that type of thing from time to time.. a "welcome me back" special..that allows your rate to go back to normal..or a "get to know me" special..whatever..ya I know..people hate specials.. well you know what, a provider can be stubborn and broke, or business smart and make themselves affordable and intriguing to a guy sitting on the fence due to the investment $ needed to see her..

Competition is a good thing, it keeps people on their toes, thats why traveling to austin, houston, dallas among other places i find so interesting, because when you can tour and make it a success in saturated markets such as those.. then your on your game.. while arkansas doesn't have the influx of those cities, there are more girls here now then in years past.. no biggie, its not about humbling yourself.. its about working within what the market will take.. i would much rather thru advertising a great attitude, great menu and great rates convince a guy to see me rather than another girl..then sit at home and worry about my weight, lack of business etc.. its not a knock.. but guys aren't all worried about looks as much as women think.. its about the experience.. what experience can you leave them with is often times their major concern..and for many guys..that experience can come from girls of all shapes, sizes and colors..

convince the guys you are the experience they seek, not by downing another girl or anything else, but by running your business the way you need to in order to ensure you are successful financially..trust me when i tell you, it all works out in the end, I have seen plenty of flavors of the month trickle past here, they make a little cash, think their pussy is gold and are gone usually without so much as a whine or wimper.. its the ones that are willing to adjust, think smart and play smarter that make this a success

Also keep in mind, that this is not meant to offend anyone.. but its like i try to tell anyone.. anytime someone is NEW..its called being a flavor of the month..that month may drag on 6 months or a year.. its called being a flash in the pan.. guys always like "new".. eventually the new wears off and then girls find themselves wondering what happened.. while the reviews are good, the wk's are plentiful, the phone doesn't stop ringing.. its what happens down the road, when business is slow and girls are left wondering what to change, how to seperate themselves from the pack that determines true success..

Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
Not true.
New doesn't wear off if you stay brand new (apperance, attitude, class, confience) if you progress than your biz should stay steady or progress with you. A client is like having a friend bond... You keep them around if you keep up yourself, a good attitude and good services! Before I had even a review up my phone didn't stop ringing... to this day it's about the same with a review up or without a review up... having a review is to let them know how your services are, remember guys like new still... and old... guys like variety... I see a client, he will visit me either over and over again or visit me and mingle for a while and come back to play, it's either cause he likes variety or wants to try something else out. It's a biz, if you want something and your paying for it than your going to go to what you want for that day, maybe have anal play, maybe for greek, maybe for just a relaxed time with someone you feel comfortable with or maybe for the new girl, maybe for the girls thats been around longest, maybe black, maybe white, maybe the native today or hell maybe the thicker or the skinniest, there are men out there that like all diff. types or things, I don't have big breats so maybe they wanted big breats, maybe a nice ass like mine would make them forget about the breats, like I said a woman shouldn't feel like they are going to be popular with the men one month and not the next month, stay confident. By now many of us should have plenty of regulars and this shouldn't even be a big topic? But Because it is...

I think that IF you are not comfortable with yourself then that is where you should start Harley, I am not saying it in a bad way but from what I read that is pretty much what you talked about. Your a very beautiful woman, Keep up what your doing and change what you think will help with your biz huni. Remember, I am always here if ya need advice like this thread.

And for whoever takes this as I am being a bitch than you are wrong, I have a big heart and am trying to help her out. THANKS!
welcome back ms harley
There are a lot of variables that determine session rates, but the underlying reason is the economy. There aren’t many good paying jobs anymore. This especially rings true in Arkansas. Unions have gone by the wayside. Corporations are outsourcing jobs overseas. There has been an influx of immigrants over the years that are willing work for a fraction of a living wage. I’m not prejudice, but this influx is driving down wages and forcing all of us to work two jobs just to scrape by. Most people in Arkansas barely make $10 per hour. I have a master degree and only make $9 per hour. Assuming 30% of gross salary goes to taxes and insurance premiums, most people only make $280 per week.

Be grateful you can make $200 per hour!