Lily's showcase...

bluffcityguy's Avatar
Since you announced that in Provider Ads, and I can't comment there...

The showcase is very nice. It pales in comparison with seeing the real thing, up close and personal (though it'll have to suffice for a little while yet).

Drive that new car carefully!


Get in line Bluff!

I've been needing to re-match with sexy Lily, can't wait much longer! Those pics just push my buttons.

Also, She owes me a dinner and a ride in the new car (hint hint).
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Get in line Bluff! Originally Posted by Lang Sicherung
Cool yer jets, Jasper.

All I did was compliment the lady's pics. While I was lucky enough to end a long, dry spell with her recently, I won't get to see her (or anyone else, I fear) for a while (if I'm really unlucky, quite a while, depending on how my medical issues play out). I'm most certainly not back in in line yet, much less preventing anyone else from seeing her.


Fuck me, can't anyone even show some love around here without drama?

Just saying that her Showcase is great, I'm hot for her, and she has a lot of fans. Not accusing anyone of cockblock.

bluffcityguy's Avatar
Fuck me, can't anyone even show some love around here without drama?

Just saying that her Showcase is great, I'm hot for her, and she has a lot of fans. Not accusing anyone of cockblock.

Originally Posted by Lang Sicherung
Fair 'nuff.

You get to lead the singing of "Kumbaya", however, unless you want to clear the room quickly (which is what'll happen if I start singing...).


Boys, boys--there's plenty of Lily to go around.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Boys, boys--there's plenty of Lily to go around. Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
Nothin' to sweat, sweets. We're all cool.

