Questionable Quality In Little Rock

I think the providers in Little Rock may be making too much money. I have contacted 2 well reviewed providers and made appointments and had 2 no shows. I provided references to both and confirmed appointments within 90 minutes of the appointments.
They should be outted and burned at the stake as witches
HSP's Avatar
  • HSP
  • 03-03-2010, 04:07 PM
I think the providers in Little Rock may be making too much money. I have contacted 2 well reviewed providers and made appointments and had 2 no shows. I provided references to both and confirmed appointments within 90 minutes of the appointments. Originally Posted by pmtguy
pmtguy though I do sympathize with your plight, such a blanket statement about rates isn't going to help. There are many wonderful providers in the area that would more than be willing to see you. I am sorry that you had a couple of bad experiences. Keep trying. I am sure it will be worth your time.

HSP I wasn't making a blanket statement about their rates. I think all the rates that I have seen have been fair and reasonable compared to other parts of the country for the services provided. The point I was trying to make is a provider is a no show she must be making enough money to turn business away. That would be like Walmart closing at 10pm if they hit their sales goal for the day. Probably a poor example, but I hope it helps make my point.
  • sadie
  • 03-03-2010, 06:45 PM
Well...this post threw me for loop, considering I was scheduled to see you tonight! First of all, insulting the quality of providers in Little Rock and comparing their service to walmart DOES ALSO insult ME. I was nothing but professional, and prompt in screening you and replying back. You cancelled our original appointment for last night due to "Family Emergency."(I replyed back VERY kind and understanding) Then said you were coming into Little Rock late this afternoon instead. If logic serves me would be hard to arrive in Little Rock late afternoon (have time for two no shows with 90 min. comfirmation time in between posting this thread.)

When asking if this was you posting, you had a lovely rude, and disrespectful texting tone. My biggest pet peeve of all time.

SO, I am not going to no show you...I'm cancelling. Have a nice evening.
ouch. Sadie I am turned on a lil.
Guest020111's Avatar
ouch. Sadie I am turned on a lil. Originally Posted by bodyofagodbudha
Better watch out, you might get a harder spanking than anticipated.
Woo hoo! Go, Sadie!

Whatever we may or may not be lacking, it's certainly not the ability to tell someone where to go, when appropriate!

May you & your right hand enjoy the rest of the evening!
WOW! I would say he just shot the wrong wad!! Or swallowed to much crown? Either way he is the wrong kinda screwed now...... Sadie you just moved up a few on my list
joeonthago's Avatar
Oh snap
MacTheKnife's Avatar
Well...this post threw me for loop, considering I was scheduled to see you tonight! First of all, insulting the quality of providers in Little Rock and comparing their service to walmart DOES ALSO insult ME. I was nothing but professional, and prompt in screening you and replying back. You cancelled our original appointment for last night due to "Family Emergency."(I replyed back VERY kind and understanding) Then said you were coming into Little Rock late this afternoon instead. If logic serves me would be hard to arrive in Little Rock late afternoon (have time for two no shows with 90 min. comfirmation time in between posting this thread.)

When asking if this was you posting, you had a lovely rude, and disrespectful texting tone. My biggest pet peeve of all time.

SO, I am not going to no show you...I'm cancelling. Have a nice evening. Originally Posted by sadie
Makes you want to throw something.

I have a question. Which one now is at the top of your all-time sh*t list, this one or Gorilla Nuts?
Well...this post threw me for loop, considering I was scheduled to see you tonight! First of all, insulting the quality of providers in Little Rock and comparing their service to walmart DOES ALSO insult ME. I was nothing but professional, and prompt in screening you and replying back. You cancelled our original appointment for last night due to "Family Emergency."(I replyed back VERY kind and understanding) Then said you were coming into Little Rock late this afternoon instead. If logic serves me would be hard to arrive in Little Rock late afternoon (have time for two no shows with 90 min. comfirmation time in between posting this thread.)

When asking if this was you posting, you had a lovely rude, and disrespectful texting tone. My biggest pet peeve of all time.

SO, I am not going to no show you...I'm cancelling. Have a nice evening. Originally Posted by sadie

Get 'Em Girl... In my opnion... He disrespected you!
Learn to treat a lady right and she will treat you!!!
Woo hoo! Go, Sadie!

Whatever we may or may not be lacking, it's certainly not the ability to tell someone where to go, when appropriate!

May you & your right hand enjoy the rest of the evening! Originally Posted by Girl Nexxxt Door

LOL!! Luv it, girl.
arkansasknight's Avatar
Some guys just think the girls on here are street walking trash that should drop everything for them. I am here to tell you all that these girls are very special LADIES that spend their time and passion with us guys because they love what they do. They all have lives and families. If you treat a woman with respect you will get respect in return. Things happen. I have had to cancel and have had a few cancel on me, but most made it up because I was kind and understanding about it, as they were me. There will always be a few bad apples on both sides, but the ladies here I have never had an issue with. A little compassion goes a long way in life and respect even further. I understand your view. I have been there in other states and waited hours for someone to show up late, but I made the call that day so I knew it was a risk. If you don't make a day or two advance appointment you are lucky to get same day service. Just keep that in mind. Lucky. We could not have these fine women at all. Peace out......