Kamala Harris puts her racism on display

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Down at the Essence festival in NOLA, Harris tells participants (black folks) that home ownership is the key to wealth building. She is right about that but since 67% of black people live in an urban environment there is little chance for ownership. So Harris promises that as president she will allocate 100 billion dollars for BLACK people to get home loans and provide down payments. So my dad, who never grossed over 17,000 a year, would not qualify but almost any pro ball player will welcomed with open arms.
Let's not forget how the last housing bubble was created and what was the result. Giving people money to buy a house that they can't afford will end in default and cultural devastation. Imagine a single black mother with three kids...she dropped out of school and now she is given $20,000 as a down payment for a house in the suburbs. A house with a $1000 mortgage payment. What job is she going to find to make the payment? Suppose she decides to sell the house after six months and pocket the difference? Do the taxpayers get their money back?
So for Harris it is about race just like almost any other democrat but it also shows an economic ignorance on a grand scale.
Kamala Harris is totally full of shit. She would fuck this country up on all fronts with her stupid ideas.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Source, please TRBC. Originally Posted by oeb11

Still using that Kindle?
bambino's Avatar
Shes Polling behind Biden amongst AA voters. She’s in full pander mode.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Don’t expect any source materials. He doesn’t do “facts.”
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Neil Cavuto's show. Yes, I'm restricted to the kindle.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
An opinion of an opinion based on opinion.

Just as we thought.
  • oeb11
  • 07-06-2019, 02:22 PM
to the above - Full of blather a bloviating with no Significance.

Authoritarian today, aren't "We".
eccieuser9500's Avatar
No published reports or clips on YouTube. I do take you at your word though. I did a quick Google only.

Maybe this single mother of three drop-out can get a job created by this bustling economy. I hear Amazon and Wal-Mart are competing for warehouse workers/robots.

Is that Ice T?


I meant no disrespect with the Kindle comment. Just havin' fun trolling on a 3-day weekend.
Don’t expect any source materials. He doesn’t do “facts.” Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
One of your favorite sites so you can remain delusional about the truth...
Liars figure but figures don't lie.
So what do you figure YR...

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Well, I think that watching her say it on video is pretty conclusive.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Neil Cavuto gets a little of my respect. Shepard Smith gets more. Chris Wallace barely gets any.

The Network as a whole doesn't get any from me.



If anyone can find a clip of Sir David Frost, of English journalism, interviewing George Bush senior just after the Gulf War kicked off, I would be most appreciative. I remember how demonstrably shaken Bush was as they were talking. If you see it, you won't forget it.
  • oeb11
  • 07-06-2019, 02:53 PM
That plan was previously enacted - disastrously - as pointed out above in this thread.

It is a recipe for bankruptcy for homeowners in over their financial means.

Instead - how about offering education and training for better jobs - teaching on how to earn a better living for oneself.

But No - the DPST's need people dependent on their handouts.

If Trump proposed such a plan for White people - The DPST LSM would be all over it as racist.

Since it is Kamala - it is OK - just more DPST plantation politics to keep black folks in the DPST fold

And that is not "Racist"?????
  • oeb11
  • 07-06-2019, 02:56 PM
Kamala Harris proposes $100 billion plan for black homeownership

07/06/2019 01:08 PM EDT
Updated 07/06/2019 01:42 PM EDT
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Kamala Harris, calling on the nation to “deal with the racial wealth gap,” on Saturday proposed a $100 billion federal program to help black people buy homes.
The California senator said the plan, which would provide down payment and closing cost assistance of up to $25,000 to people renting or living in historically red-lined communities, would help some 4 million home-buyers.

The plan’s release comes as Harris surges in Democratic presidential primary polls following a debate last week in which she chastised former Vice President Joe Biden for his past opposition to busing and former associations with segregationist senators. The controversy has continued in recent days, with Biden defending his record.
Black voters are a critical constituency in the Democratic primary, especially in the South.
Harris, speaking at the Essence Festival in New Orleans, said her program would “put homeownership within the reach” of millions of families.

“A typical black family has just $10 of wealth for every $100 held by a white family,” she said. “So we must right that wrong and, after generations of discrimination, give black families a real shot at homeownership — historically one of the most powerful drivers of wealth in our country."
Harris’ housing program would come in the form of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development grants limited to families with incomes up to $100,000, or $125,000 in high-cost areas.
emocrats concerned about income and racial inequality in the United States have long pointed to the lasting effects of red-lining — and persistent gaps in the rates of black and white homeownership, a traditional means of building wealth. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a fellow 2020 contender, previously proposed providing down payment grants to first-time homebuyers in formerly red-lined, segregated and lower-income areas.
On Saturday, Harris also pledged to work to expand HUD’s fair housing program, strengthen anti-discrimination lending laws and amend the Fair Credit Reporting Act to require that credit scores include rent, phone and utility payments.

After all - according to Politico only white folks are racist.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

I have to agree. There are two kinds of racism.