Provider no no

A provider on here just group texted me and a bunch of other dudes that she’s running a special. Brilliant right? Is this a reportable offense because she’s basically outing everyone to each other?
I get marketing texts all the time from providers. It's just part of the Hobby. Delete them immediately, get a burner phone, or a messaging application.
A) this goes beyond being a marketing text when you see everyone else’s contact information and names

B) I use a burner so it’s not affecting me so much as this girl is outing other members which I’m sure they don’t appreciate if they’re not using burners
Slitlikr's Avatar
Not cool.
jimmy jump's Avatar
Should have texted back, creampie as usual?
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
Was it at least a good special ?
DarthMaul's Avatar
A provider on here just group texted me and a bunch of other dudes that she’s running a special. Brilliant right? Is this a reportable offense because she’s basically outing everyone to each other? Originally Posted by Ahdroid1983

If she had done something here on ECCIE showing personal info then maybe??
Well I know one of these dudes professions now and the company works for because it was a part of the contact info in the group text
That's why I don't give too much real world information out, even if it's required in the screening process, I just won't see them. I'm sure these nice women will fuck you for money & fuck over you for money as well. They don't think clearly when money is low.
The1Slayer's Avatar
Who was she so we can all avoid her.............?
Brooklynn Belle
Never mind
Brooklynn Belle outed me too