Turning 70

yankee13's Avatar
Its amazing that Keith Richards of the stones turned 70 years old today
gaijin1969's Avatar
Really? I've thought he's looked 70 for years now. Figured they just took him outta the crypt on a dolly and stood him up on stage and placed a guitar in his hands.

Well god bless him! We'll see if I look that good at 70..
. If I am fortunate enough to make it that long. I do hope I'm in better shape tho lol
rke324's Avatar
I saw the Stones in Toronto back in May. It was the best I've seen Richards look. Mick turned 70 not too long ago too. I can only wish I'll be able to get around 1/2 as good as those guys IF I live that long. Hell, if I knew I was going to live this long I wouldn't have beat myself up so bad when I was younger.