Threesome (maybe foursome)?

BulldogCountry's Avatar
It's difficult enough to coordinate with ONE provider it seems, yet alone two or three. But, I've been itching to set up something as a possible Christmas gift for myself with two or maybe even three ladies at once.

Any intel for an arrangment like this in the Panhandle? Pensacola area preferred.
Rickulous's Avatar
Try NLN. Not sure if she would be interested but she might know some who would
Did Maui and ink do that a while back ?

Nln would be a good choice
I'd get Maui involved for sure.
A provider and 2 blowup dolls they way things are around here.
[QUOTE=duraman;1062667351]A provider and 2 blowup dolls they way things are around here.[/QUOTE

About right. You need to start a second career in management and find us some more talent than what we have
Nicole Bloom's Avatar
I’ve always had lots of fun doing these, I don’t have time this upcoming visit but I’d be down the last weekend of December I’ll be coming back for an overnight and could come a day early or stay a day later
BulldogCountry's Avatar
I’ve always had lots of fun doing these, I don’t have time this upcoming visit but I’d be down the last weekend of December I’ll be coming back for an overnight and could come a day early or stay a day later Originally Posted by Nicole Bloom
Awesome. I know these are so difficult to coordinate because it's hard to get everyone available at the same time.

If my original idea falls through, I'd even consider just doing an "all-nighter" with someone instead (as long as donation amount isn't TOO outrageous).
Nicole Bloom's Avatar
Sooo I don’t mean to be outrageous or to ever break anyones bank! I don’t want anyone to struggle to help me with my high maintenance EVER unless I happen to be in the budget. Just a note to everyone I’m not ever trying to be outrageous with my rates. As a big girl some guys thought I was too pricey but I knew I was doing fine and always try to be good to people. As many times as I’ve considering ending the Fwb trips I keep coming for the amazing guys I’ve known for a few years and Fort Walton holds a special place in my heart since military guys are my weakness and it was the first place I ever “toured”! If I lowered my rates in fort Walton specifically, it just wouldn’t make sense for me since I’d be losing $ by not just going to the other cities over doing that. I guess I know I’m above market price or whatever in the area, but I’m not trying hard to be sold if that makes sense from a real estate standpoint. I did half hours and even quick visits back when I was a big girl bc I just needed the $ then but now it’s more about needing the fun & good vibes but for it to be worth my while given my current situation. I’m sure I’ve missed lots of great guys from my price but I’ve also missed many who talk down on me for bettering myself, and who are upset that I’m not in the lower position I was a couple years ago.

And if I come to fort Walton for overnights I don’t try to get any more than 1-2 other appointments so I can save my energy

I’m at the stage of enjoying what I do so much but trying to balance not being too busy, and with 2022 being my last year seeing new guys. I know guys don’t speak fondly of my
pricing but the way I see it is, I don’t mean to be available to just everyone cause I’d be too busy. Also at least I am still like available for a price because this is just a fun stage of life for me! Also knowing my worth of how much I spent on the procedures. Literally all my $ went to my surgeries and cars, so if I did “affordable” pricing it would
Take years to recoup all that I’ve spent on bettering myself. I know the guys wouldn’t mind me being in for years longer but for me and my goals and quality of life I came into the business with purpose and goals to achieve and I’ve almost done what I came to do.

I’ll be retiring by age 25, possibly sooner like the end of 2022 so I’m trying to enjoy
My last years in the hobby as much as I can!!! And trying to video all I can in the meantime so have those memories lol yesss guys there is even a video with me and NLN on both of our onlyfans that’s super hot.. great memories!

Anyways I love threesomes and overnights almost equally!!

There are many lovely ladies in the panhandle too!

If I don’t get to be involved in this one I’ll be coordinating some on my other tours.

I just accidentally had a threesome with another provider last week. The guy told me it was a “couple”’ and that it was his girlfriend, so he paid ME double to see them both. Then after the girl texted me to inform me she was in fact “working” too ! Guy could’ve saved a little $ if he had just tried to coordinate with me and the provider like what you're trying
To do lol … I’ll never tell him that she informed me of the situation. Fun stuff this hobby can be!!!

Fun fact a few guys offered to be my sugar daddy exclusively but I declined their request because I’d rather be able to meet more than one great guy a month and have the variety and travel even if they would pay me the same as I make Touring. Cause I don’t mind traveling a lot and working harder, not the type to rely on one person or let one person “take me out”’of my work. So I do this because I choose to and I love it! However once i reach the goals i have I will be out and back to being a regular girl with some wild memories from my young twenties

One of my very first clients introduced me to eccie so I’ll always be thankful for that as well!!

Sorry I write so much guys, I spend a lot of my free time writing and studying as a hobby as you can tell haha

Studying for the LSAT and my mind still stays on the biz

Since I don’t post much on here I try to get what I have to say in one go
BulldogCountry's Avatar
Your prices always seem more than fair, Nicole.

I've tried to occasionally set up threesomes, but 100% of the time they always fall through where one (or both) of the ladies can't make it.

I've always joked on here that if I ever won the lottery, I'd gather nearly every provider in Panhandle (even the ones I haven't seen), rent a condo or nice suite for a weekend, and have one BIG reverse gangbang with myself and multiple ladies.

That's on my bucket list.... lol. I just want to experience that sort of attention at least once before I die. lol
I don't think this is because your rates are too high. Maybe it's because they feel that they're getting less of what you had to offer, now that you're wearing smaller clothes. The net result is that you look good and are sharing time with those who appreciate you best.
Nicole Bloom's Avatar
Awww thank you guys so much!!!
That sounds like a dream!! Reverse gangbang, that’s some stuff for a super fancyyy man I’ll say!!