KKK Grand Dragon endorses candidate for US President

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What candidate did California KKK grand dragon Will Quigg endorse?

wait for it ...

Hildebitch! ahahahahahahaha


KKK Grand Dragon Endorses Hillary Clinton

March 18th, 2016

Stephen Lendman

The New York Times and KKK appear likeminded. Both endorse war goddess, Wall Street favorite Hillary Clinton for president - the most disdainful of world peace, equity and justice among a deplorable array of aspirants.

California KKK grand dragon Will Quigg switched his earlier support for Trump to Clinton, saying he likes her “hidden agenda.”

Interviewed by the London Telegraph, he said “(w)e want Hillary Clinton to win.”

“She is telling everybody one thing, but she has a hidden agenda. She’s telling everybody what they want to hear so she can get elected, because she’s Bill Clinton’s wife, she’s close to the Bushes.” “(O)nce she’s in the presidency, she’s going to come out and her true colours are going to show…She’s…our choice for the presidency.”

Last September, Quigg endorsed Trump, saying “(y)ou Sir are the only hope we have of getting WHITE AMERICA BACK! We all will be voting for you.”

He now says earlier Trump support “was before we found out about what Hillary Clinton’s main agenda was…I cannot reveal my sources.” Quigg switched endorsements, saying Trump “won’t do what he says he will do.”

California State University Professor Brian Levin directs its Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism. “Based on his past statements,” he believes “it doesn’t appear highly credible that (Quigg) changed his effusive allegiance to Donald Trump.”

“The timing (of his Clinton endorsement) seems suspect. I think this is a function of not wanting to undermine the Trump campaign.”

“I just totally don’t buy” his switch. “Quigg is playing everybody.” His white nationalist/supremacist views are consistent with Trump’s.

His support in Quigg’s world is “overwhelming,” Levin explained. “I’ve never seen anything like this kind of support…in my decades-long career of monitoring extremism.”

“These guys play the press all the time. Quigg is just pivoting. He’ll get some attention, and he knows it’ll take a little heat off Trump.”

Clinton has loads of deplorable baggage, making her unacceptable for any political office, especially the nation’s highest.

At the same time, associating her with KKK ideology isn’t one of them. Attack her unprincipled agenda, representing Wall Street, war profiteers and other corporate favorites, supporting endless imperial wars, spurning peace, equity and justice.

She represents pure evil, America’s criminal class, privilege over populism, monied interests exclusively.

The New York Times calling her “the most broadly and deeply qualified (presidential aspirant) in modern history” shows how low its editorial policy has sunk.

A Clinton presidency would be disastrous, the worst of all possible outcomes, nightmarish for most Americans and world peace.

Her record as first lady, US senator and secretary of state exposed her villainy. A Clinton presidency risks WW III.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks World War III".


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs

so .. is he bluffing or not? who cares? it's too funny!

now hildewhore must answer her .. "endorsement".

the world awaits her reply.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Did you get that in your weekly Klavern newsletter, you xenophobic anti-Semite scum?

Don't out yourself now.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Did you get that in your weekly Klavern newsletter, you xenophobic anti-Semite scum?

Don't out yourself now. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
exactly the response i expected from you old turd monkey. .. FAIL. you and your whore Hiltard are racist assholes who will be executed for crimes against America. beware old tard, the TRUMP SQUAD knows who you are, and they are coming to Clarksville to remove your pathetic ass from my America. FAGGOT.
  • DSK
  • 03-24-2016, 10:15 PM

Did you get that in your weekly Klavern newsletter, you xenophobic anti-Semite scum?

Don't out yourself now. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
WTF is a Klavern newsletter, you hateful pig vomit discard?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You really believe that tripe, WaKKKo? What am I saying? OF COURSE YOU DO!


I really love kicking your asses all over this forum. With my bare fingers!


Pig vomit discard? Well sticks and stones motherfucker!

Munchmasterman's Avatar
exactly the response i expected from you old turd monkey. .. FAIL. you and your whore Hiltard are racist assholes who will be executed for crimes against America. beware old tard, the TRUMP SQUAD knows who you are, and they are coming to Clarksville to remove your pathetic ass from my America. FAGGOT. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Your America? Your "America" doesn't exist other than in slogans that call for yours to be. "great' again as it was during jim crow.
Trump is the worst possible president. No other. Herman Cain would be more acceptable
Yssup Rider's Avatar
As great as it was before we had a black POTUS, right WaKKKo?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The KKK is a commie ortganization
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
As great as it was before we had a black POTUS, right WaKKKo? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

congrats old turd. for once you make a good point.

who was the sitting president over that last 7 plus years while race relations were set back 50 years? deliberately.

Obama. remember little Trayvon? '' "If i had a son .. he'd be like Trayvon" ..
What was the Justice Dept doing in Florida? stirring up shit! at Obammy's order.

lawless riots in Ferguson.
Lawless riots in Baltimore.

so yes! excellent point turd, and yes i want My America back. got a prob with that old man?

now go poke yourself in the ass with your bare fingers.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, I've got a problem with ethnocentric, xenophobic, race baiting hate mongers like you WaKKKo.

While many people in this forum joke, even cruelly, about matters of race and social strata, you are absolutely not joking. You're a hater, a self-despising ignorant redneck who'll do anything to keep others from lifting themselves up out of the darkness. You're not the only one in this forum, but you're definitely the worst.

I suppose we should all applaud ECCIE for providing cowardly shitheels like you a place to vent your venom. Otherwise, I guess we'd be reading about you in the daily mass shooting roundup.

That is, if you had the balls to come out from behind your sticky little keyboard.

Thankfully, you don't.
the KKK is a wing of the dimocrat party

the dimocrat news media wanted trump to continually disavow the kkk in every interview in an effort to continuously tarnish him before America, to imprint the idea in Americans' sub consciousness

why he had to disavow them I have no idea since he never avowed them in the first place
Yssup Rider's Avatar
the KKK is a wing of the dimocrat party

the dimocrat news media wanted trump to continually disavow the kkk in every interview in an effort to continuously tarnish him before America, to imprint the idea in Americans' sub consciousness

why he had to disavow them I have no idea since he never avowed them in the first place Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Please show credible evidence that the KKK is a wing of the Democratic Party. Not 50 years ago, but TODAY.
The difference between Clinton and Trump on this is that if Clinton is asked about it, she has no fear and would have no reservation immediately disowning them. Trump knows that these type of people make up a significant part of the people who support him, so he has to be more careful about outright rejecting them. Which explains why it wasn't easy for him to quickly reject them when asked.
lustylad's Avatar
Did you get that in your weekly Klavern newsletter...? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Please show credible evidence that the KKK is a wing of the Democratic Party. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Only a hard-core veteran KKK insider like you even knows what a klavern is, oinkboy. Let me guess - is it a Klan tavern? Is that where you Dimotards hold all of your grass roots political meetings?