The Kabbalah of the Prostitution Laws

“The prostitution laws on the state laws books are scare tactics and to appease the Christian and radical feminist public. They are not the whole law. The primary book for prostitution laws is not any federal or state law books but the kabbalah of prostitution law. You could learn the Kabbalah of prostitution laws by reading legal briefs, court cases, or work in a law office. It is possible they will teach you parts of the kabbalah of prostitution laws in law school.” -Rev. Joel.
There is a secret theoretical book that exists concerning prostitution laws. This book doesn’t have any physical existence but a mystical book used by police, prosecutors, judges, and lawyers. This book gets revealed through legal briefs, court rulings, and police prostitution stings. Police, prosecutors, judges, and lawyers are the authors that write about the things founded in this mystical book. The state law books are NOT the kabbalah of the prostitution law. It serves as a supplement and the penalty book for prostitution.
There are other kabbalah like the one on income tax. The prosecutors will use the element that defendant is stealing from the government for not paying income tax. The prosecutors have claimed that the US Currency belongs to the government and by not paying taxes; they are stealing from the government. According to tax protestor, there is no law that requires someone to pay taxes. But the prosecutors get tax evaders on “willfully filling failure to file” on the element of thief of government property.
Aggravating Circumstances
1. Serving the public with escort services or sex acts for pay.
2. Currency is exchanged.
3. Provider and clients are strangers.
4. Solicitation involved.
5. Asking if the person is a cop.
6. Advertisement that suggest they offer services to the public or segment of the public.
7. Sex session hookups at a hotel, motel, apartment, or other location that suggest the session is sex only.
Mitigating Circumstances
1. Not serving the public with their services.
2. Currency is not exchanged
3. The provider and the client are in a relationship together.
4. No Solicitation involved.
5. Not asking if they are a cop.
6. Advertising as a sugar baby or a mistress because they don’t serve the public but serve only in relationship.
7. Dinner dates
Some stuff from the Kabbalah
1. It is not against most state law to pay for sex with Federal Reserve Notes because Federal Reserve Notes are NOT money. They are negative in value due to they are a promissory note. But prosecutors will claim that the person engage in unauthorized use of US Currency by using it to pay for sex. They can get someone convicted of prostitution based on unauthorized use of government property.
2. The court has ruled as long as the relationship consists something more than just sex only session, the relationship is not prostitution. So the government allows the use of US Currency to pay for sex acts in a context of a lover’s relationship that is not sex session only. This is how sugar babies and mistresses get away.
3. A gay acquaintance asks if I will perform blow jobs on him for money in the context of his home. I refused. Latter the day, I talk to a cop in a restaurant about what has happen. Since he is not offering it to the public, there is nothing they will do about it. Since there is evidence that I am in a relationship with him, the police department will refuse to let me to press charges. I asked him if this happen before. He said that the police department dealt with another case similar. The police chief said that they will not do anything about it as long as they are not offering sex for hire to the public. If a person offer sex for hire in a context of an relationship in the privacy of their home or the other person’s home, there is nothing they will do about it.
4. Although in many states there are no attempted prostitution statutes, the courts will convict someone for asking if the person is an undercover cop. The courts create the attempted law that doesn’t exist in state law but sentence someone to the penalty under state law.
5. The reason why escorts get attacked in the war against prostitution is because they offer their services to the public or segment of the public. Sugar babies and mistresses don’t offer services to the public, so they don’t get arrested for prostitution. It is known that sugar daddies are buying a sexual relationship with a sugar baby or mistress.
ShysterJon's Avatar
Thanks. I always like it when people reveal the existence of and even quote from a "secret" book. Haha. Whoda thunk a guy from Sacramento is the Indiana Jones of Johns?
lizardking's Avatar
1. It is not against most state law to pay for sex with Federal Reserve Notes because Federal Reserve Notes are NOT money. They are negative in value due to they are a promissory note. Originally Posted by frontman667
Ah, yes.. The "Ron Paul Defense".
sdawg's Avatar
  • sdawg
  • 06-15-2013, 06:05 PM
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Thanks. I always like it when people reveal the existence of and even quote from a "secret" book. Haha. Whoda thunk a guy from Sacramento is the Indiana Jones of Johns? Originally Posted by ShysterJon
Jon, they will all work to get off of a prostitution long as he can convince the judge, right? Its even easier if you can get a kabbalah judge.
ShysterJon's Avatar
Jon, they will all work to get off of a prostitution long as he can convince the judge, right? Its even easier if you can get a kabbalah judge. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
There's not really anything in the OP's mumbo-jumbo that I would use in court. It reads like Tea Party-Libertarian malarkey to me.

btw, somebody pointed out to me: If Libertarianism is a viable political system, why has no country ever adopted it?
I'm with SJ on this. The conspiracy buffs are out there enmasse. They (the Cops/courts) don't usually need any special rules or directions from the Mystical source book. Why? Simply because the Cops will lie and the Judges will sanction it. Your objections are over-ruled and unless you are filthy rich like SJ you can't afford the long, costly and arduous task of fighting the case through the appellate courts.
Plead down, pay the fine if possible. or find a damn good Atty like SJ to represent you.