My Seeking Arrangement account was SUSPENDED!!

Illegal Use Of Hands's Avatar
Wow, so I've been on SA for just over 3 months. I actually just paid for my next 3 months. And, I hadn't met up with anyone yet because of covid, but was about to this month because, fuck, I need to get some. And, I actually had about 8 girls that were ready and DTF. And, today, I got a message that my account was suspended for using "escort terminology". What a joke. Every girl there uses that terminology. (ppm, donations, rate, etc. . .). This pissed me off because I was getting ready for some action this month, finally, and some girl fucked me with a complaint. I don't know who did it. But, I recently had an interaction with a girl who is supposedly from Brownsville, but she said in messages that she was near McAllen. She's 21 and her profile pic is at a restaurant and she is sitting alone at a table, pretty girl, pretty smile. If you see per private pics, she's the one that has a picture of her in a Princess Leia Slave girl costume. She contacted me. And, we started the talking. She said she wanted like 700 for the hour. I talked her off the ledge and she agreed for 300. But, then I asked her if she was okay for BBBJ and multiple shots in the hour and she said "no", that she didn't do bjs and anal (which I did not ask for) and she said she only does it with condom (which is fine, I just asked for a BBBJ, not BB fucking). Anyway, I politely (emphasis on polite, I am NEVER rude) said, no thanks, take care. And, next day I get a suspension to my account. I am not 100% sure she reported me (they don't tell you who complained) but just watch out for this one. I actually had two girls ready for my next two days off of work for early October appointments, but I hadn't gotten their text number yet, and now I can't fucking communicate with them. Fuck, this sucks. And, I just paid for the fkn next 3 months. I did create a "ticket" with support, hoping they reopen my account, but fk, I don't think they really read that shit. Anyway, be careful with your words on that fucking site. LOL.
vanessa956's Avatar
Happened to me too and I was careful with my words. You have to exchange numbers right away or some other way of communicating on that app. I gave up on it.
Illegal Use Of Hands's Avatar
Yes. I've learned my lesson. If my account is restored, I'll only communicate via text those kind of details, well with new people. Most of the girls I had spoken to knew what was up and were cool. I definitely won't join again, at least not until my 3 months are up in December. I'm not going to pay twice with another account. But, maybe I'll try again and be more careful in 3 months or so. BTW, did someone complain about you? Or do you think the app/site is monitoring conversations?? That would be terrible.
vanessa956's Avatar
I think the site is monitoring for words. Because I would never say donation I’d say gift or allowance. So the girls are being monitored too. I was on for a good 3 months before it wouldn’t even let me get in but I was getting emails that men were “interested” in me. I did forget password and it would say I broke the policy or whatever. So I just gave up on that site.
down4fun's Avatar
Well I must be lucky, I talk to them about PPM and have never had a problem. But I do try to move the conversation to another place because I have heard that they check your messages. That sucks maybe I could help you connect with the girls ??
Illegal Use Of Hands's Avatar
Yes, I had mentioned PPM all the time to them (hell, they would ask me! about ppm). And, I never had a problem or even had a warning that I was violating the rules. And, I actually had a couple of text numbers from a few girls, but I had not used them for a while because I had told them I was holding off because of covid. But, my secret text app crashed and I lost the numbers. But, I didn't sweat it because I could still pm them on the site/app. And, the bad luck was that I was ready to start making appointments this month (like 3 or 4!) and then I get suspended. Crap luck. Yes, it would be awesome if you could connect me with the girls I was speaking with, if anything just to let them know I was suspended and maybe if they could give me their text numbers. You may have already seen some of them, they pretty much play ball. I could give you the short list of the girls I was talking to and maybe you can tell them what happened to me, LOL. I can message you their handles if you want and maybe you can ask them if they don't mind if I get their text numbers. Either way, thanks for the offer.
JRod2's Avatar
  • JRod2
  • 09-29-2020, 04:02 PM
You have to exchange numbers right away or some other way of communicating on that app. Originally Posted by vanessa956
Man sucks that happened to you bud. I think Vanessa summed it up best. Take it off the site ASAP. The one thing i also do is block them as soon as I know we are not compatible especially if I’ve used any of those phrases such as ppm or p4p. They can’t report you if they can’t see you anymore.

I actually just blocked one a few minutes ago. I was meeting on Friday but she shared a few pics and she’s too thicc for my taste. I simple told her we’re not compatible, went into the site and blocked her. We just have to stay one step ahead.

Hope you get help getting those numbers Chief; otherwise lmk and I can help
Hilarious how the idiots over at SA are quick to suspend or more like ban their paying customers over something minor. They must hate getting paying members.
down4fun's Avatar
OK the its been done lets see what they say ; )
OK the its been done lets see what they say ; ) Originally Posted by down4fun
Nice keep us posted.
Illegal Use Of Hands's Avatar
Damn, down4fun you are awesome! I really appreciate it. You are a true patriot!!! I'm going to owe you, man!
I got suspended 2 weeks ago.. and I had not answered any messages on the site. I just got an email saying I was suspended lol. Luckily I was only a week away from renewing my subscription lol...
Same here, i had paid and 2 weeks in i get suspended. I believe the girls on there complain when you dont agree to what they want or if they just want "platonic" relationship and you suggest something else. They do keep tabs on your info (name on cc you used) because i used a different email, but same card and it was flagged. Alot of those girls are on tinder so catch them on there.
Illegal Use Of Hands's Avatar
Well, I may try again with a different credit card and email. But, I will take the advice from FiftyShades and only talk seriously about transaction on my text app. But, I won't join until January, when my current subscription (which is suspended) is over. Because I don't want to overlap that membership fee. Fuck that. Thanks to down4fun, at least I got a couple of numbers and will hopefully meet up with the girls this month.
down4fun's Avatar
Your welcome happy to help. when you go back on you can search for girls that are looking FWB but most are looking for that even if they dont display it.