Lucy....not even once.
I can't even come up with the words to accurately describe this movie. I think it has a paralyzing effect leaving the audience conscious but unable to escape the mind numbing sequences on screen. When the credits finally begin to roll your body has no chance for fight, the only option instinctively is flight and fast! Your brain is now functioning solely on animal survival instinct as you dart past the weaker co-victims also seeking refuge. By the time you make it to the parking lot the inner workings of your consciences begin to return. As you realize you survived a state of euphoria kicks in followed by fits of uncontrollable laughter as others survives recall the ordeal through snippets of the dialogue. Enjoy the euphoria while it last.
In the next 10 minutes will come;
Denial: that didn't really just happen..I had a flashback or something..right???
Anger: Im gonna kick that Morgan Freeman's ass
Bargaining: ok Hollywood i did that for you, now you owe me!! right???
Depression: Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! If this ever got out...oh man game over..
Acceptance: You know what, you made it and that has to count for something.